The town is called Tull, it is a small town somewhere in the middle of a massive dry desert. This town is a shithole, probably the last remaining sign of human civilization in a world that has "moved on". Recently an incident happened where almost or all occupants of Tull got brutally murdered by the hands of a traveling "Gunslinger". The gunslinger has moved on out of town as well, however new individuals seem to take quite an interest in rebuilding Tull. These individuals, some human, others humans with raven heads and beaks for lips, others demons or gypsy oracles, and some are miserable drunkards. They all have one thing in common, they have a mysterious drive to rebuild Tull, their Ka is to make sure Tull is on its feet for what comes next in the world. These individuals all came from different places, all seeking to rebuild Tull. As the gunslinger makes his way to the Dark Tower, you make yours to Tull. Anyone interested?