[@Shikaru][hider=Exam]His [I]coach[/I] got an irked expression, "[b]MOSTLY[/b] done [b]young[/b] man." He said putting extra emphasis on the word young. Perhaps calling him old wasn't such a good idea. "From what I can see you still got a mile to go. That's four laps in case your brain is still addled so I'd suggest getting a move on! And don't bother complaining about it or me changing the rules I said so from the start." Almost on cue what looked like turbo engines on the back of the drill turned on belching out flame and increasing in speed. It didn't look like Arcadius could keep in front of it with physical prowess alone anymore.[/hider] [@yukisaa][hider=Exam] The golem looked puzzled as she managed to land on the ground unharmed. Seemingly slightly annoyed at this point it ripped a tree from the ground and lumbered towards her, swinging its makeshift cudgel in a horizontal sweep. The air whistled and leaves flew everywhere, the tree slowly rotting even as the golem held it from the constant drain of energy.[/hider] [@olcharlieboi][hider=Exam]"Perfect!" his protector's voice called out excitedly as he glided to the finish line. Streamers, confetti, and even balloons popped out of the walls. "I'm happy to inform you that you preformed very well throughout the testing and I can't wait to have you in my class. I think when we review your exam we will find you scored very well. Good bye for now!" The voice called out and suddenly he would feel the faint presence leave, seconds later, blackout. [u][b]EXAM COMPLETE[/b][/u][/hider] [@Minimum][hider=Exam] His attempt was short lived as the mouth slammed shut and he crashed into it fruitlessly. The room closed in, slowly crunching him into a square. As the pressure grew immense and his bones began creaking a bubble emerged from his gauntlet pushing the walls back. A voice spoke calmly from the gauntlet, "Your emergency safety precautions have activated, that means your exam is now over." And in seconds he was unconscious. [u][b] EXAM COMPLETE[/b][/u][/hider]