[h2]Wakahisa Residence[/h2] Kanon blinked at the startling red eyes, the pale skin, and the strange tattoos. The former two were definitely signs of something supernatural. But what, exactly? The onmyouji tried to recollect everything she learned from her father's books. Hmm, an oni maybe? She was cupping her hand under her chin in thought when she heard low growl coming from Shiroi, probably feeling instinctively threatened by the (oni?). Trying to be as subtle as possible (which wasn't subtle at all because it caused a few animals to jump off and give the two an annoyed look), Kanon nudged the shikigami with her foot, quieting the girl. She hoped the other woman didn't notice. "Shiroi, go in dad's room and get the box by the door," Kanon gave her a look and the shikigami flinched back with a soft whine as if she were being scolded. Scurrying to the door, she gave a last look to Elizabeth before leaving completely. "My dad left me books and records of everything I would need to know when I took over," She explained to her guest, "Among them was quite a bit of information on the White Night. I didn't look too deeply into it, I was a little more focused on... ah, a different field. But I think I'll still be able to help you with whatever it is you needed." "Oh, would you like some sake, by the way?" That's what Oni like to drink, right? [hr] [h2]Out for a Walk[/h2] Freedom. It wasn't a feeling Cornelia was used to. From the day she was born, all she knew was confinement. So when she came here to this unfamiliar city, she had expected much of the same. But... her aunt and uncle told her she was free to go where ever she wished as long as she got them what they wanted, the White Night Ritual. Her relatives always told her that it was her true, no, her only purpose in life. She was the key to saving their family. But did they really needed saving? Was it so bad to not have magic? Sometimes, Cornelia thought it would be easier if she were like the rest. The child put her hands inside her coat pockets, looking down at the ground pensively. She shouldn't really be thinking about this. If she had no magic, then she'd have no purpose. That's what they had drilled into her mind and she fully accepted it as any child would. Thump. She felt something hit her side and looked up to see she had ran into an older woman with brown hair and glasses. It seemed as if she was putting something in her pocket before Cornelia had bumped into her. The child stepped back and to the side, not speaking a word of apology. Instead, there was a tense moment where she just stared, analyzing every detail of Kazumi, gauging whether she was a threat. Satisfied with whatever she found, she turned to walk away but stopped short to give the woman glance over her shoulder, "You shouldn't be out so late, nee-san."