Ryan continued sitting out on the porch of the collapsed building as he "admired" the nature around him. [i]Man, one thing I do miss about home is being able to just lock myself indoors with a good video game and not worry about all of these flesh-eating bugs and burning Sun.[/i] He swatted at the small, irritable insect that was crawling up his arm as he looked over to the setting sun. It was slowly descending below the treeline, almost as if to mock the young man for complaining about the star when it was practically out of view. [i]Okay, fine. The Sun's not bad right now, but if it was in the middle of the day I'm sure I'd be getting a sunburn right now... Actually, it's pretty cool here compared to how hot it was at home back West. Whatever. Why am I arguing with myself? Stop that.[/i] The red-haired, young man slumped forward. He rested his chin on his right hand as his elbow rested on his knee, a noticeably bored expression on his face. [i]For trained werewolf hunters, I was really expecting... more. Maybe things will kick off the next day once more people have shown up?[/i] It was then that Ryan took notice of the female werewolf some distance away, hiding in some bushes. The lycan's bright red fur gave her away quite easily considering the very green foliage around her. As if in a trance, Ryan began to make his way to the wolf, only stopping a few feet away. [color=B22222]"Hey girl,"[/color] he said as he stuck his hand out for her to sniff in hopes of gaining her trust. [color=B22222]"Come here, I won't hurt you,"[/color] he continued. It was now that Acacia and anybody close enough to see what he was doing would probably realize that the poor fool had mistaken the girl's wolf form for a just a normal dog. Face palms would be the most expected reaction.