Bruh Dust ain't radioactive Sure health hazard but it's not going to make the place uninhabitable for a millenium Pure fusion nukes still deliver cancer-inducing radiation Kinetic bombardment is also propelled by electromagnetic mechanisms, which means it's going to be still powerful to deliver a devastating shockwave with all the kinetic energy it's carrying and is difficult to hit with their immense speed. In addition, that's why I said "more calculations" concering precision. I'm also talking not too far that the Earth is just the size of a penny compared to your hand 1 foot away, just far enough that most missiles will have a hard time intercepting them and you'll need spaceships to take the satellite down. And since this is science fiction anyway, some things would be more or less in greater measure than in what's true to the real world. As said: 4. Be realistic. [i][u]Not too much[/u][/i], but keep it close. We're trying to keep many things real to keep things balanced and in depth, but we're not going to let overrealism ruin the fun stuff here.