[@Tracyarmav]My time can sometimes be rather limited. And depending on my week sometimes it takes me a little to get writing. Normally saturday mornings are my catch up day but If i have to go out on a scene with one of the deputies I work with it tends to not happen (like today). [@Wraithblade6]No worries. [@Wind Wild]Hush you, we all cant be Wind Wild. [@Monochromatic Rainbow]I'll get caught up today. Really quick. How much longer are we thinking we need before we hop on over to a prison break? It seems like The omnipotent sphere, Jinxlynx and Vietmyke are MIA for right now (might be missing someone) I'm assuming the written john has dropped. I feel like I've overlooked someone (I need to edit the active roster). Oh Sekritter! still alive and well just busy. Which is also what I think is up with Vietmyke.