[h2]Selipisi La Mongo[/h2] She kept on dreaming expanding the violet desert further. She raised her head a yawn accompanying as she blinked to the state of the world. She was displeased with the corrupt land as no life neither plant of animal could thrive on it. ''Why would you remove the volcano? It was such a interesting idea.'' She remembered that cult of worshiping the volcano gods those people had such a enjoyable dreams. Or the other race in another world who come up with machines to use the energy and heat of lava. '' Now look at the mess there, no fish will swim in that corrupt water. Hope you are pleased with how ugly it become.'' She shock her head, in the forum now, were harsh words. ''Why even trying to get along? '' On that topic Un creation took her interest, she looked at them wondering if she should inspire one or maybe both yeti to do something. Deciding to observe them for a bit. [hider=Actions] [b]Roll:[/b] +9 [b]Previously Stored Points:[/b] +2 [b]Events Bonus:[/b] 0 [b]Actions:[/b] [i]Shape Land[/i], used on one squares, (1,-1) a violet desert whit occasional tall white trees. [b]Cost:[/b] -3 [b]Remaining Balance:[/b] 8 [/hider]