[b]Name[/b]: Prince Acaelus of Farendar [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Pics][hider=Armor][img]http://www.toptenz.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Glorfindel_by_Magali_Villanueve.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Sword][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/7fc0/f/2014/135/8/6/sword_of_ecthelion_by_horhesoloma-d7ign0c.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Acaelus][img]http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/fp/Indiana+Evans+Brenton+Thwaites+Hit+Day+Two+ysCIKw2lSynl.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Rank[/b]: Templar [b]Personality[/b]: Acaelus is a determined, stubborn, and adventuresome youth who does all he can to succeed no matter what. His whole entire life he's been told that he must be ready to help and support his brothers and his life he has done so. He has known nothing but service to his family and has dedicated himself to protecting not only Farendar as a Kingdom but his family, the Royal Family. Surprisingly and mainly due to the fact that Acaelus has been grown as a soldier he doesn't have the traditional Royal Attitude, the one that states that everything must be down according to their expectations and when it isn't problems tend to arise. He much prefers being just another soldier instead of a Prince with special treatment. Acaelus is never -truly- in his element unless he's in the middle of a fight with his sword and shield in hand. As such he enjoys the rush and thrill of battle more than anything in his young life. With his will to succeed and his dedication to protect his family and land, combining with his determination to be a good soldier, something his family can be proud of Acaelus is a young man with a ton of potential. [hider=Biography]When the King and the Queen were wed, King Gregor told his wife as they were preparing the consummation that he never wanted to worry about heirs so she better be ready to enjoy sons. Tamara must have put his words to heart as over the years Altaia blessed her and her husband with FIVE sons and one daughter. Prince Acaelus the First of his name is one such son. Born the fourth son in line he was older than his youngest brother by four years and his sister by three. As a fourth born son Acaelus has been bred and trained to become advisor to his oldest brothers as every Royal continued to serve the family until death did them part. It was traditional for the three eldest to be tutored and taught by the Castle staff in all the ethics of court, how to court a Lady, and of course most importantly. How to Rule. But the fourth and fifth son were given other direction, the direction of military strategy, swordsmanship, horsemanship, archery, jousting, and tourney fighting. In fact Acaelus spent most of his childhood in the military meetings with his Uncle the brother of the King whose job Acaelus would no doubt take some day. He, of course DID get trained in courtship, dancing, and how to speak just as his older brothers were taught how to fight but it was apparent where each focus truly was. Indeed, Acaelus would spend hours studying books on military strategy, taking notes on various Generals and why they did certain things. At the tender age of eight he was accepted (no one disobeys the King after all) by the then Champion of Farendar. A position in which Acaelus absolutely thrived. He was quite studious watching the Knight in everything that he did, watching his Knight fight and then spending entire days going over said fight, picking out every flaw he or his opponent gave away. He was taught how to care for armor, how to fletch his own arrows, how to clean a sword properly, reading the townsfolk, reading opponents, and of course how to pray to Cadeniere for guidance on how to carry out the laws of the Kingdom, and to judge those that broke them correctly. As he passed into Squireship he was also passed along by his father into a marriage proposal with the Southern House of Sunderland, Acaelus being a potential and favorite choice for husband to Evelyn Sunderland, despite her being much his senior. Acaelus wasn't really sure how he felt on such a thing but it was just as well as Evelyn developed magical abilities and was sent to join the prestigious Order of The Dawn Covenant. With the match over Acaelus was brought back to the capital and court where he was then Squired to a well known Blademaster who took over the title Champion of Farendar, representing the Kingdom and King in not only war, but jousts and tourney's as well. Acaelus once again thrived in his new role and it was quickly apparent that the boy possessed a natural ability for warfare and strategic planning. He was far above and other squire in the capital, a city that was well known for the quality of Knight it produced. With such in mind, when Acaelus was found to be able to harness magical abilities during the end of puberty the boy with his father the King's blessing requested and was accepted into the Order which he would be bride joined. He departed the Capital at once, accompanied by nothing but a single servant and a Castle Forged Longsword. When he arrived at Starwatch he tried and succeeded (for a time) to hide his true background. In fact it wasn't until a mock battle between two different groups of Acolytes that his Senior Officers realized that they had someone special. Acaelus was a whirlwind on the field mowing down anyone that dared go against him until a combat instructor decided to dim his ego a bit. What a mistake for that poor instructor, Acaelus not realizing it was a member of staff disarmed and incapacitated the instructor quickly and hoisted the flag that was his teams target into the air. It was at this time that he was recognized and the insufferable bowing began everywhere Acaelus went. It was honestly frustrating beyond belief and with desperation the boy wrote his father, explaining what happened to which his father replied that it was to be expected. Exasperated Acaelus declined every single offer of advancement and instead earned it like every single other member of his squad until on the day he turned 16 he graduated into a full Templar. His Father made a celebration of the achievement and Acaelus found himself once more in the Capital feasting and drinking, and jousting with Knight's from all over the realm. When it was time to leave the next day his Father presented him with a series of gifts. First, was a War Stallion bred in the Stables when he had first began Squireship. It was a magnificent beast and Acaelus named her Snowfire due to the white and grey mane she boasted. Second was a Elegant Longsword, Dwarven strengthened and crafted the blade was known as the Sword of Princes and generally always went to a second or in this case fourth born son who took it up in defense of his elder brother or brothers. Third was a full suit of armor again Dwarven Crafted and designed with plenty of protection and room to move, the gorgeous design made it Acaelus's favorite gift by far. Fourth was a Elven Longbow which the King traded for with the Wood Elves, Acaelus wasn't that good of a shot with the bow but he promised his father he'd learn which meant even more practice. Fifth, and finally was a recently refurbished and rebuilt shield with the emblem of Farendar beside the Royal Families crest. It was the Bastion of the Crown, a shield that was wielded during the once time Champion of the Human Kingdoms in the first and second wars. Overwhelmed Acaelus thanked his father, bid farewell to his brothers and sister, kissed and hugged his mother, and set back out for Starwatch, where he was to be given. Much to his surprise, to none other than Evelyn Sunderland's Regiment.[/hider] [b]Weapons[/b]: Primary: Longsword of Farendar, sword of Princes. Secondary: Bastion of the Crown Tertiary: Elven Longbow [b]Magic[/b]: Illusion- Psionic Blast/burst: Acaelus can localize a burst of Psionic energy to render a group of enemies incapacitated. May also be used on smaller groups of individuals as a burst. Illusion- Terrorize: Able to make a wall around himself or an area that causes enemies that cross said barrier to instantly cower in fear, terrorized and assaulted by their worst nightmares. [b]Other[/b]: Often called Cae or Caelus by his friends. [b]Post Example[/b]: I'll get one to you if the History wasn't enough. [b]Theme Song[/b]: He has two. Dream Evil - The Chosen Ones [hider][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM_c_avPlx4[/url][/hider] Globus - Preliator [hider][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDm9rqE8730[/url][/hider]