Fair enough, thats understandable, just wanted to make sure :) Anyway, here is my character: [hider=John White] Name: John White Age: 25 Power: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Imitation :[list]Limitations [*]May be limited to mimicking only the animals they have observed. [*]Cannot transform into animals. [*]May take on specific traits of an animal, such as wanting to find rotting things if impersonating a fly, or feeling territorial if impersonating lions. [*]May be limited to mimicking one animal at a time or are limited on how long they can mimic animals. [*]Some abilities may be compromised by size differences. [*]May experience different weaknesses of animals, such as a dogs having to constantly hear ultrasound waves, or having an urge to play with a ball of yarn like a cat.[/list] Nationality: Australian Bio:John was one of the feared 'meta' humans and was quickly incarcerated away from the woman who had birthed him (an unsuspecting surrogate who had been injected with a fertilized egg from two meta's). during his imprisonment John's powers started to show that he had the power to take on different traits of animals. during his youth he would often cry for his birth parents whom he had been told had died shortly after his birth - which was in fact a cover story as both his parents had been caught and sold on due to them both being Meta humans. During his imprisonment he heard whispers that his parents were still alive, now that he has escaped - his main drive is to discover their fate. Personality: Has quite the inferiority complex and is often heard saying things along the lines of 'I am sorry, as you can see - I am ungraceful' normally after pulling a stunt / attack / action that requires a lot of grace. Due to his imprisonment he often talks badly about himself. Appearance: [hider=what he looks like] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11119/111190794/4218641-4799097608-loki-p.jpeg[/img] [/hider] outfit: [hider=outfit] [img]https://rattimothfashion.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/steampunk1.jpg[/img] [/hider] Other: has slight http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Limbs_Generation but is only able to manifest gills [/hider]