[quote=AbigailTenshi] Rio smiled a little and looked at Kaizo as he continued to talk. She averted her eyes back to the floor and chuckled softly again. She rested her chin back onto her knees and kept her ears open, continuing to listen to Kaizo. As Rio continued to listen, her eyes slowly widened while she turned her face to look at him. A bright smile light up Rio's face and her eyes softened during the few seconds Kaizo held eye-contact. The last thing Kaizo said cause Rio to look away, unable to stop smiling as a warm feeling sparked inside her heart. It's not that Rio was eager to get out of the place, she was starting to like it here.... But it was too damn cold and if she was freezing, who know's how a shirtless Kaizo was feeling... Rio then stood and picked up Kaizo's top, straightening it out and wiping all the dust off of it before handing it back to Kaizo. [/quote] "I understand...I'll take the help if it's going to be necessary and no worries..just doing my part to be good to another" Kaizo nodded "That's good then...it will take time but I will try get it into a livable state as soon as possible..." Kaizo then rubbed the back of his head "Oh well if its nice for you then hopefully I wont get in the way to much and don't worry I don't mind how you are...even if you were clingy it wouldn't bother me so don't worry...thank you again though...for letting me stay with you until I get this place into a good state" Kaizo looked around the hut then back to Rio "Well I'm hoping it will be a nice place eventually...so it may even work as somewhere you can get away from all the stressful work of being a Shinigami...and sure I guess we should go as soon as possible..." Kaizo could see Rio was getting cold and when she went to give him his top he shook his head "It's fine...put it on and keep yourself warm...I don't feel the cold anyway...trust me" Kaizo put his right hand on his left shoulder "My body is still warm and I'm not shivering so don't worry about me" Kaizo let out a small smile as he said that, then he walked past Rio and poked his head out the door and looked at the sky "Seems to be clearing...shall we go then?" Kaizo held his hand out. pointing it out the door to basically say for her to lead the way