WIP Name:Kevin "Kev" Haggerty Age:14 Aura Color: yellow Abilities: unnatural speed, and night sight Armor:[img]http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--kg4i7bTI--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/w7cgkmyelkdrwm8umq51.png[/img] minus the guns Appearance (words or pic): [img]http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/387261animeboy.jpg[/img] Summoned weapon(s): Primary: long bladed curved sword. Secondary: throwing knives Backstory: Kevin was born into what can only be described as "American Ninja". Kevin's mother, a 5th generation Japanese American, and member of the Hayashi clan. while their clan still trains in the ancient art, many do not for military purposes but for meditative and traditional purposes, to practice their trade. In the Modern age prior to the founding of Aura many from this family excelled in sports, and even the military. During the modern times, the clan has once again taken up their practice for more On his Father side, Kevin comes from "true american blood" His father Andrew and family can go as far back to when the first British colonists. during the American Revolution ancestors of Kevin's father served in the Continental Army and saw action through out the entire war. During the American Civil war, Two ancestors served in the union and Confederate army. With ancestors who served in nearly every war the united states have ever fought, they are very proud of that fact. Even now the family is honored to have another of the family serving their country. Kevin was born in San Francisco, due to his Asian features he felt right at home among the other Asian cultures. when Kevin found out he had an aura he was very surprised, as up until this point in his life he was just a normal kid. While he held many Asian features, he had some very prominent western features. Mainly his eye color, hair color and height. While many believed he wore contacts and dyed his hair, his hair is naturally blonde, and his eyes are naturally green. As a second year student he was assigned to watch over the first years. Due to his easy going personality, he tends to get along with people. While he is well liked, he is slightly feared. Due to rumors from his first year about when he mercilessly fought, defeated, and hospitalized several students for calling him a spy for japan due his Japanese heritage. despite proof and witnesses no charges nor any dispensary actions taken against him. because of this there are few who still openly say anything rude to him. while Kevin is touchy about his heritage, he is by no means a mean person. he can usually be found helping the struggling students with their arua training, or helping with little odds and ends.