[hider=Penumbra] Name: Lilly Thanh Nguyen / "Penumbra" Age: 16 Sex: Female Ethnicity: Vietnamese Appearance: [center][img]http://s5.favim.com/orig/74/anime-brown-hair-brown-eyes-draw-girl-Favim.com-772708.jpg[/img][/center] [center]5'5 | 125 lb. | White Hair, Brown Eyes[/center] Titan’s Appearance: [hider="Penumbra"][img]http://thisiscolossal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/shadow-2.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Lilly is rather pragmatic and practical for any and many things, though like any normal human being, she has her breaking points. To some, she may seem cold or harsh, but under the constant threat of the Scourge, leeches are few and far between for good reasons. Lilly, gladly enough, isn't one of them. She strives to do her best, in spite of her efforts, the failures of others frustrates her to the breaking point. Trying stops becoming the par, and only success and actions seem to bear any weight. So if the world wants to play that way, she'll abide by those rules. Anyone thinking otherwise are simply bait and targets for those hungry enough to take a bite. If anything, she won't be a happy camper if her work isn't paid back in full. Titan’s Personality: Penumbra is very similar-minded to Lilly, though to a greater extent, devotes itself to the idea of the banishment of the Scourge. In terms of methodologies and reasoning, it's almost exactly the same, but from time to time, it cautions Lilly to keep a level head; her hatred of mediocrity is her vice. Oddly enough, despite not protesting against any actions Lilly might pursue, its relationship has gotten a touch cool. Even she, with all the reaching out she does, knows no reason as to what would be the cause for silence. Motives/Goals: Penumbra decides where Lilly goes, though what Lilly wants to do is simply rid the world of the Scourge and any other Titan cocky enough to abuse their powers, which Penumbra is rather silent about. She may be doing a service to society, but only if said society can pay her well enough, which isn't enough to irk Penumbra, but it does make the Titan consider what sort of opportunities could be offered if something more than a business-like relationship can be established. Still, Penumbra's goals, despite sharing the same path, ask for something different. That difference is keeping Lilly from attaining the power she wants. So, she presses on. Backstory/History: Lilly was born after her mother's head was crushed under rubble in a Scourge attack. Her neighbors, the last survivor of their little town, had picked her out and fed her what few drops her mother had left before switching her to whatever milk they had on hand : dog, goat, cow, pig; so long as they could support and sustain the animals. When she was 6, the tides changed, and her nomadic lifestyle came to an end under the coming of the Titans. Under the guard of a Titan vigilante, Lilly grew up in a quiet community, mainly because the concentration of the Scourge chased many others away. When she was 8, she was imprinted with blackened burn-like marks around her tailbone and lower back, triggering a surge of Scourge to attack. The Guardian Titan was close to falling, if it wasn't for Lilly's forced transformation of Umbra. Lilly lost consciousness when the dark overtook her, but when she woke up, she saw pretty much everybody safe. All except for the town's guardian, that is. In a fit of rage, she took to the road and fled while the rest of the town was consumed and corrupted by the Scourge. They had failed their part to repay their savior, so it would come to reason that the next guardian would exact punishment. The town was no more. For six years, Lilly became a nomad with a band of other Titans, all of which had their own ideas and ideals to live by, but as long as their ideals didn't collide, they were safe. She took no sides, but the troupe shrank and shrank as members died or left, all until she was the last. And so, her most recent adventures for the past two years consists of a mix of pillaging and protection, if things came to a tense spot. Skills: Besides the unorthodox hand-to-hand combat gained from Penumbra, Lilly also has a knack for physics, and loves to build traps and shelters for re-usage. She prefers most of her food roasted until charred. Resonance: 40% Powers: Lilly's departure from her humanity is gauged by how much darkness she's in, and thus correlates with her powers' strengths. In high noon, her powers are nonexistent, except for her superhuman strength (she can grab smaller Scourges' claw with two hands if need be, even though her hands might get some nasty cuts) and regeneration (limit : if it isn't sealed and disinfected and relatively close to her original body shape, she isn't going to heal i.e. broken bones will have to be removed and her arm re-shaped to what it was before to start healing). In a new moon or pitch darkness, she is forced to transform into a corrupted version of Penumbra. Between those phases, she transmutes parts of her body into less solid forms, and can regenerate more easily. She can cover wounds with this creep-like matter and accelerate another individual's healing. As time can go on, her manipulation of this form will increase, but as it stands now, it's incredibly weak. Transformed Power : Penumbra is, like its appearance and name suggests, is one that describes the edges and limits of existence. Its primary function is to cleanse an area of Scourge and damage, which it is able to do by becoming a pool of fleshy substance and perform the same functions as its host can, besides consuming and crushing the Scourge whole. The pool can spread along shadows, but against light, must re-form back to its solid, humanoid form. In that form, it is able to perform simple punches and kicks, though it's clumsier than just about every other Titan. It has a quarter-mile radius for maximum spread, and takes a buildup of damage from merely stepping on it. Fire, lightning, and other forms of damaging energy can easily force it back into its more solid, more vulnerable form. However, this is only its power in its Corrupted form. Its true form has never been activated by Lilly, except for the first time she had to use it. Equipment: [list] [*].500 Tanfoglio Thor [*].22 Leinad-Cobray Derringer [*]Billhook Knife [*]Clothing [*]Hatchet [/list] [/hider]