"Juno? Interesting choice for such a young woman. In all honesty, I expect half of you to just sign yourselves off to Venus or perhaps Jupiter gets his hands on you. That seems to be something the king of the gods has a fondness for." The Haruspex chuckled at his own words, only half interested in the 'priestess'. His attention was more focused on the sea, watching the waters churn and swell again and again. The motion of their ship within the waves soothed him, and was admittedly somewhat hypnotic. The cry of a lookout, and then a raven, roused him from the trance. His eyes scanned across the water, finally laying his eyes upon a pair of dots upon the horizon, quickly growing larger and larger. Orders began to roar across the deck, ship hands rushing to new positions as signal after signal was ignored. Cuinte's bodyguard moved his hand to rest on the grip of his sword, the man's hard features settling into a grim frown as the new vessels grew closer and closer. To the dismay of the shipmaster and his oarsmen, the ships were approaching ramming speed. The ship rocked as the first vessel slammed into its side, though to the shipmaster's credit he had managed to maneuver the ship to avoid the other enemy's charge, though they were quickly rectifying their overshot and moving to board. The crew of the the first ship had already begun to board, men armed with swords, daggers, and even simple clubs and hatchets storming onto the merchant vessel's deck. Many of the oarsmen were slain outright as they scrambled to keep their attackers at bay. Cuinte had chosen to remove himself from the excitement, his bodyguard cutting down one or two of the pirates as they retreated below deck. The rest of the military escort, as well as Cuinte's hired hands, began to join in the fight, a storm of blades, fists, screams, and fresh drawn blood raging.