[center]Scarlet Academy Theme Song [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z1XTdNAlJo[/youtube] [h3]Saturday September 1st 2020 6:30AM Early Morning[/h3] At Raikonan Airport, a plane which carried thousands of passengers have landed. People begin to exit the plane and head over the baggage claim. Hisoka Namiki was one of these passengers as he picks up his suit case. He walks out to the crowd of people who are holding signs with names on them. "hmmm lot's of families! It's nice seeing family meet up like this, even if it's not my own." He thought to himself. Hisoka noticed a woman in a suit wearing sunglasses holding up a sign that reads 'New Students of Scarlet Academy!' Hisoka began to walk towards the woman as he bowed as a greeting "You are the first of the group to arrive. Please wait behind me for the others." Hisoka nods as he goes to wait in a seat behind the woman making him easily visible from the other students when the approach the woman.[/center]