Exiting the long and tiring airplane ride Gin stopped yawning in the middle of a very large crowd literally being carried by the crowd like a wave. Barely surviving the tidal wave of people Gin clenched to the nearest nailed down object holding on for his life. [Color=ForestGreen] "The hell was that!?" [/color] He asked no one in particular resuming back to the usual exiting the terminal steps. Of course he waited until the crowd of people died down. Gin quickly retrieved his bag his mind getting the best of him as his did so. For some reason he thought he seen a shark out the corner of his eye which explains a lot since he almost drowned....well suffocated in the vast amount of people that paraded the terminal. Yes, he was delusional and a bit frightened but that quickly left as it came when he soon realized he was on land. Calming down from the whole shark fiasco he assumed his normal persona. He roamed a bit searching for something that represented this 'Scarlet Academy'. As if on cue a woman holding up an obvious sign reeled in Gin's attention. He walked to the woman bowing at her his green bang shading his right eye completely. Gin sat down seeing this weird girl who seemed to be pissed at life it self(Kireina). He peeked at her in order to avoid becoming a target for her 'stares'. It wasn't hard to avoid eye contact that was something that he was actually good at. But to play it safe he slid on some head phones looking off into random directions.