Okay, so I wanted to do an RP featuring various storybook characters. They can be a character from any kind of story, with a few exceptions. First, NO DISNEY CHARACTERS. I feel like that has been way overdone, and I'm genrally sick of seeing those characters everywhere. Also, please refrain from using mythology characters or gods. Comic book characters are also out. I'm looking for reimagined children's book characters, characters from famous or fairly well known novels, gothic characters, etc. You may use characters from fairy tales, but if you do I'd refrain from choosing something too popular, like Little Red Riding Hood or something. Just run your ideas by me and I'll let you know. Also, OC characters are encouraged, as long as they are somehow related to a story book character. The plot for this will be a sort of secret training facility, where characters will learn how to become part of a unit and will carry out missions relating to other story book NPC villains. This will be a mature RP, with characters being 18 and above. There will likely be swearing, violence and some disturbing and graphic themes, events and descriptions. Romance is fine, but any explicit sexual content should be taken to PM or faded to black. So if anyone is interested in this RP, just post here and as soon as I have enough interest I'll begin putting together an OOC. Looking forward to RPing with you lovely people. ^-^