[@Billsomething] A yellow toothy grin spread across the monsters face. Rotjaws hunger was never one for food and drink, but one of punches and fists. It was as much a necessity for him to live then anything in this world or the next. The monster responded with a tyranical bellow [color=39b54a]"Oo' be a tinkin dey can mouff off Ol' Rotjaw and live to tell da tale?"[/color] The Captain stood up drawing his crude pistol and rusty dulled out cutlass (which was more of a blunt object from years of neglect the a sword) [color=39b54a]"Come on now, oo be da kulprit? Kaptain Rotjaw dont bite BWAHARHARHAR!!!!!"[/color] All evidence that indicated he was worn out was all but melted away from its excitment. The creatures eyes scanned the room for the perpetrator ready to beat down the worthy opponent... a man in a hawaiian shirt... Rotjaws previous excitment was met with dissapoiment. [color=39b54a]"Dis oomie be a breakin real easy... but he will do"[/color] Rotjaw thought to himself. [color=39b54a]"You got yerself a big mouth dere oomie, you be a lookin fur a fight?"[/color] the monster said to the seemingley unimpressed man.