[quote=Nicias Askani] on the outside Gio appeared dumb founded. on the inside he was cursing to high hell. if he spoke to soon he risked the inside rage reaching the outside. "the....academy is where....people go to learn to be shinigami." the words he spoke were slow and intentional. unlike the words he was thinking which were rapid and angry and if somehow Viole could here his mental rant on top of everything else that happened with in the last few minutes Giovanni Cain would probably just give up at living. [/quote] Viole patiently waited for Gio's answer, wanting to know what an academy was. He hadn't seen anything about it in the books he had read. Gio told him what it was, and his face brightened up "Oh! So it is a school!" That much he knew, but Viole was unaware that the word had synonyms. Viole rubbed his chin, appearing to be in deep thought "Maybe I should pay that "acadamy" a visit" He turned to Gio, with a smile "Thank you Gio, thanks to you and another shinigami I've learned a lot more about this world. However, I have to go now. It was a pleasure meeting you" Viole said, walking away and waving with a bright smile. He didn't pay attention in front of him, since he was staring back at his new friend. Thanks to that, he crashed to a pole in front of him and landed on his butt. He quickly got up, dusted himself and looked around to see if anybody saw. He then quickly walked away. Within a few seconds, Viole came back up to Gio "Oh yes, I forgot! Squad 4 has classes on Kido, which are open for all shinigamis. You can come if you like" He went looking through his sleeves and pulled out a flyer. He handed it to Gio "You are welcome to come whenever you want" He bowed and quickly walked away again.