1: Name: Thanneth 2: Sex: Female 3: Place of Birth: Mirkwood 4: Age: 702 5: History: Thanneth was just an average shieldmaiden of Mirkwood for several hundred years. Then, she decided to wander the world, to see all there was to see. She visited Gondor and Rohan, and was making her way towards Rivendell when she heard of the orcs. Immediately, she diverted her course towards Bree. Imladris could wait; the orcs needed to be eradicated. 6: Race: Elf 7: Random Information: Thanneth is skilled with bow and sword, and is a great rider. Her horse, Esgal, has been her companion ever since she left Mirkwood. [img]http://tweeria.com/data/resized_image/artworks/963bfe9241a048d97056ef0124410775.png_fit.png[/img]