Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, on definitely not Olympus... Far removed from the strife of the gods, in a mostly quiet apartment right in the heart of a land far from Greece, on the edges of the eastern continent in the city of Tokyo, Ichimiya Nanase stood over her latest painting. She was not a god; nor a child of a gold, nor a servant of a god. She was just a relatively normal girl, living in the age of technology, science and reason - one of the reasons why the occult, with its newfound mysteriousness, appealed to her. Her painting was that of a ritual circle which she had found right from deciphering the maddening pages of the Necronomicon itself - or at least that's what the internet told her - created authentically with the blood of once living beings. Speaking of living beings, her next door neighbor seems to be missing his pitbull. Has anyone seen him? With the work having been completed, all that was left was for her to enact the "ritual". She did not, deep down, really expect anything to come out of this, mind you. She was sure she was under quite the case of eighth grader syndrome, but participating in the occult like this had its own allure in just how taboo it was, and the more people would frown upon it the more it appealed to her. Hiding her participation from her family, who saw her work as morbid but still the work of an artist, was just as exciting as the participation itself. With the preparations for the "ritual" complete, she made sure the curtains to her room were shut, the door closed and any chance of eavesdropping gone before turning off the lights and throwing on a black makeshift cloak over her private academy uniform. Clasping her hands as if in prayer, she began. [Center][i]"NYARLATHOTEP ACROSS THE ABYSS NYARLATHOTEP ACROSS THE ABYSS OF SPACE NYARLATHOTEP UNGOYUD ERFELCOPGECHEREF NYARLATHOTEP TELAL...HEAR OUR VOICE!!! NYARLATHOTEP THOU WHO WOULDST DEVOUR THIS WORLD AND CREATE MADNESS AMIDST THE CHILDREN OF MAN NYARLATHOTEP AXBIM XENCH'ZY VAWEG TELAL...HEAR OUR VOICE!!! NYARLATHOTEP ALAL....HEAR OUR VOICE!!!"[/i][/Center]