[quote=Zane620] Yu killed the remaining six that were attacking him, and his wolves then came out of hiding and then bark at Yu to let him know they were good. Yu smiled and continued walking along when he heard several more screams coming from Ryuu's direction. Now he was curious as they why so many of them were screaming, when one of his wolves shot out a kido beam hitting a hollow leaping out from the shadows. Yu went over to it and stabbed his Shikai through it's mask, pulling it out as the Hollow vanished. Yu then continued on to the spot where he and Ryuu would meet up, and looked around not seeing Ryuu. "Guess he did choose the path with more Hollows after all." Yu mumbled as he sat down with His wolves sitting around him. [/quote] Ryuu continued walking through the forest killing the odd hollow here and there but once he was done with his pincer movement he met up with Yu and immediately noticed the wolves next to him but dismissed this "No three horn.." it was somewhat irritating that he couldn't pick up on this hollow but this would mean they'd have to do it the old fashioned way. Ryuu began raising his spiritual energy to try lure the three horned hollow out...if he managed to increase it enough then it would surely come after him...it was afterall just another hollow...