Maria, an Initiate into The Order, quietly sat on the ground in the garden. She was working on studying after her lessons and had her new book to read from. She was trying to work in peace, but the Gardeners were making a racket as they took care of the lovely place, chattering and such as they trimmed, weeded and such. Her eye was twitching and she was starting to wonder if maybe she should try and find somewhere else to study. Her room wouldn't work, as she needed ground and dirt to work o0n her practice, but there weren't many safe places in the city for her to train in. Getting up and picking up her book, she put a small flower in the place she wanted to keep and closed it firmly but gently. She knew the Prince and many of the soldiers were going to be here, soon, so she wanted to find a peaceful place to read. Walking along, she made sure her staff was secured in it's holder on her back and she tried to sneak off the grounds to find some alcove or something of the like to work in. Maria glanced up at the sky and tilted her head to the side, watching a cloudy day grow a little clearer and smiled. She knew that somewhere nearby there were a ton of warriors with all kinds of skills and powers and she was in no mood to deal with them, so she started trying to climb the buildings, searching in silence...