The great city of Letalé. Home of the Grand Palace and the most Holy Temple of Tivun: God of Holy Fire. This is where he belonged. Not some small village in the outback. The peasants could grovel in the dirt all they wanted, Septus his calling was higher then that. The man turns a corner and finds himself on market square. Farmers, fishermen and other craftsman trying to sell their stock can be seen everywhere. A smile curls on the mans face. If these people knew what kind of dangers lay in wake in the Blasted Lands... Well, that's what he and the Inquisition was for; keeping heretics and other monsters out of these civilized lands. Luckily he wasn't alone in the field. Although his partner could work him on his nerves at times, Septus wouldn't want any other by his side. They just finished another job out of town. Some blood cult had taken hold of a village about a week ago. Septus and his partner were send to investigate. It ended up with calling in an Exterminatus squad. Septus didn't mind, calling them in. Everything was allowed to keep the belief of Tivun pure and clean. His partner saw things different though. They actually had an argument about it on the way back to Letalé. That's why he was now walking these streets alone and not with his partner. Maybe he should head back to the Inquisitor headquarters and talk things straight?