Lola smirked at Ichiro's physical response to her sensual actions. He was certainly easier to seduce than she thought, and as delighted as she was with this result, she keep her heartbeat even. Pressing her chest to his, she swung her fair hair away from her shoulders to show her entire face as she looked up at the Japanese man. [color=Purple]"Please, lead the way."[/color] She gestured towards the door, flickering her delicate fingers, using her other hand to stroke Ichiro's jawline alluringly. The blonde temptress thought out her plan with Ichiro as she smiled at him, wondering if she should stay with him for just the night or if she should focus more on another, like the British man or police officer she often saw in the halls. From what she knew, Ichiro was strong, attractive, exotic, and from how secure she felt just being beside him, she trusted him to protect her from any ex-hooligans or the occasional mugger. Lola finally made up her mind; She was going to stay with him, at least until she found someone better.