[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School - Main Entrance | Monday, May 25 2015 - Morning[/b] Kotori stifled a yawn on the way to school. Even with the midterms done, she still hadn't been able to really calm down; leaving her restless over the whole weekend. She'd spent equal measures of time trying to focus on the book she was reading as she had on reviewing her notes and textbooks just to make sure that she'd really gotten that one problem right which she hadn't been sure about at the time. Between that and another tiring appointment on Saturday, she'd found herself in a constant state of unrest - even tending to the flowers in the back of the shop hadn't quite the calming effect that she'd hoped for. Still, she pushed those thoughts aside as she headed to school - what was done was done and there was nothing that could change the results after all, no matter how many mistakes she may have made. Arriving at school, she noticed that there was a crowd gathered at the noticeboard - whilst it wasn't unusual to find various small groups of friends meeting up there before heading to class, they were all in one place this time. Kotori quickly realised the cause of it - undoubtedly the results of the midterms. Some of the students spared the list just a glance to check for their own names whilst others hung around to discuss the results amongst themselves, making it rather easy to get close enough to read the list over. [color=green]"First years... second years... class 2..."[/color] Kotori mumbled almost soundlessly as she scanned the list for her own class - but didn't find her name in the usual spot of fourth or fifth. A little disheartened she looked further down but didn't find her name there either - causing her to slump ever so slightly. She really had made some mistakes - and enough to make her score too low to even be listed. At least, that's what she'd thought as she turned to walk away and nearly walked into a classmate; giving a small bow in apology as best she could amongst all the other students before heading off to class - or she would if said classmate didn't recognise her as well. "Ah, Shirohane-san? Congratulations!" Kotori blinked a little confused at him, the odd remark catching her off-guard as it took her a moment before responding. [color=green]"Eh? Uhm, th-thank... you?"[/color] she said - before noticing that a few more eyes seemed to be turned her way. Both uncomfortable with the sudden attention and rather confused about its reason, she glanced back at the test rankings - and this time scanned her class' list upward rather than down from her usual placement. [color=green]"...eh?"[/color] was all she could say when she saw her name. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | After School[/b] Terrible - that would be the simplest way to describe the school day for Kotori. Not only had she felt more than a few pairs of eyes laid on her throughout the day, but the teacher had even taken the liberty to read out the listing; as if trying to make absolutely sure that she wouldn't be able to escape everyone's notice. Had she not felt such scrutiny, she might have realised that such attention was likely just going to be fleeting and not malignant, but it still felt as if half the school was staring at her to the quiet girl. She practically buried her face behind her textbooks all throughout the day; trying to make herself as invisible as possible - though not very successfully, much to her chagrin. Kotori felt no small measure of relief when the bell rang and signalled the end of the school day - at which point most people's interests turned to less school-related topics instead. Much as usual, she packed her things only after finishing her notes - which she'd had to hastily decline lending to one or two classmates throughout the day; a request she hadn't expected - albeit with a slightly more tired expression behind her glasses for once. Still, the school day was over and the classroom was quickly emptying out - all that was left was one place which would at least prove quieter. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School[/b] [color=green]"Excuse me..."[/color] Kotori said in a low voice, slowly opening the door following a brief wait after her initial knock and then entering the clubroom. Much as expected, she saw Matthew already present and busying himself with watering the plants that were found all throughout the room - including another new one or two on the table in the center of the room. With her entrance being as quiet as ever, it was only when Matthew actually turned around that he noticed the girl now seated at the table and looking the potted flowers over. [color=aba000]"Ah, if it isn't our little Miss Highscore!"[/color] he said with a wave, both his tone and smile holding his usual cheer. Kotori merely gave a rather wry half-smile at that before answering. [color=green]"Ah... th-thank you, Harvester-senpai,"[/color] she said, giving a bow as well as she could before returning her attention to the flowers before her.