It seemed as though Jack was at least partially intrigued by the mention of skinwalkers. Dimitri's smirk remained as Jack made his way over to the jeep. More or less nonplused by the sharp glare and tone he received from Jack as the younger teen got into the vehicle Dimitri started up his jeep and put the gear in reverse, though he kept his foot on the brake to keep the vehicle from actually moving anywhere. "[b]Calm your tits little man, i'm not gonna bitch at you about anything. It'd be a bit counterproductive considering we've got something in common. I'm just trying to keep you from going and messing with things that you shouldn't be messing with.[/b]". The slayer turned so that Jack could get a clear view of the back of his head, revealing the old, gnarled, scar that ran from the back of his right ear all the way to the lower portion of the back of his head, ending just a bit past the nape of his neck. "[b]See this?[/b]" Dimitri began as he brushed his hand over the scar, "[b]I got this when I was still living in Oregon. The orphanage I came form saw all kinds of weird people passing through the neighborhood. There was this one guy that used to always linger around at dusk and just stare at the orphanage from behind the gate, always from the same spot too. Used to scare the shit outta me as a kid.[/b]", Dimitri turned back to face Jack, though he still continued to rub the scar, "[b]I wasn't the only one freaked out either, a bunch of kids were weirded out, but none of the adults ever seemed to notice. Eventually we all just kind of got used to it, well, until someone noticed him in a different spot. Nothing major, just a bit more to the left than usual. It eventually turned into a pattern: one night he'd be a bit to the left, then three weeks later he'd be to the right, a week later further, a day later closer.[/b]" Dimitri's voice trailed off a bit as he recalled the oddity that had become a crucial part of his childhood. This did not last long, as Dimitri remembered that he still needed to make it to school soon. "[b]Anyway, so, the guy was there for years. And not once in those years was he ever noticed by an adult. I guess the caretakers thought we were just playing a running gag, eventually they just ignored or punished us whenever we mentioned the guy. So by this point i'm a good deal bigger than the other kids, and a few of the adults. One night I happen to look out the window and see him on the other side of the gate. Now, by this point I did a lot of heavy lifting and other labor intensive jobs for cash, and had picked up quite a few boxing lessons from one of my regular employers. I thought I was top dog around my neighborhood, so I decided to go out and try to scare him off. I got within ten feet of this guy and damn near pissed by pants. This fucker looked like someone had stuffed a small great white shark into a human suit. Huge teeth, pale, loose, skin, eyes like goddamn blackholes. I go to scream, and the next thing I know i'm waking up in the woods with this thing standing over me and grinning like the damn cheshire cat and croaking at me to fight him.[/b]". Dimitri paused to swallow a pump in his throat, his eyes bored into Jack's as he continued once more "[b]Jack, i'm a big guy, and you and I both know I can carry myself in a fight. This thing beat the living shit out of me. It threw me around like I was a toy, and it didn't even break a sweat. I can't stress this enough: It was [u]playing[/u] with me, Jack.[/b]". He let the words hand heavy in the air to emphasize the point, "[b]This goes on for I don't know how long before it gets bored and pins me down and tells me that I'm going to be it's new skin. The scar I got was from it peeling me like a goddamn banana. I would be dead right now if Mathias hadn't stepped in when he did.[/b]". Dimitri moved his hand away from the scar and sat back in his seat, "[b]You're probably wondering why i'm telling you all this. My point is that there are some creatures out there that you can't handle alone. Not at the level you're at right now anyway. You've got potential kid, but don't let that potential make you reckless. I was lucky enough to survive a skinwalker attack because someone equipped for the job was in the area. It was pure blind luck. You might not be so lucky if you actively stray away from the rest of us in a fight. I just want you to remember that.[/b]". His point being made, Dimitri dropped his serious demeanor and reached over to tousle Jack's hair playfully, "[b]That's all I wanted to say, squirt. Now go on, get outta here. I gotta get to class.[/b]".