[center][b][color=2F4F4F][h2]Daisuke Yama[/h2][/color][/b] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2m6wff7.jpg[/IMG][/center] [@j8cob][@Partisan] [hr] Daisuke had adjusted to life back in Konoha quickly, it felt as though he had never left. He had only taken a couple of missions since his return, all of which were just border patrols, and had taken up a job as a bodyguard for a man associated with the Minomaru clan’s vast corporate empire. Given the small amount of time that he had been part of the Konoha shinobi forces again, he had been surprised to discover that he was to lead one of the teams that were being sent to Kirigakure to aid the rebels. He was not sure why he was selected, but he was determined to prove that giving him this task was not a mistake. His mission was fairly straightforward and would be difficult to mess up. He and his team, consisting of Saburo Uchiha and Shin Maru, were to travel to one of the rebel camps and aid them in any way possible. Daisuke and the others had all been giving the coordinates at which their escort would meet them. The only information he had been given on the contact's identity was that they would be wearing a red armband, and that he would respond to a specific phrase. Daisuke pushed aside his drifting thoughts as the boat that would carry him across the first leg of his journey arrived. He had been hoping that the rest of his team would have joined him before it’s arrival, but he made sure to plan accordingly in the event that they did not. Another boat would arrive shortly after the departure of the first and was told to wait as long as needed. He knew that if either was late it was unlikely that it would be excessively so. Without further ado he boarded the boat, frowning as it groaned under his weight. He sincerely hoped that its appearance was deceiving, as upon first glance it looked like it may break under his weight let alone the weight of additional people. His worries diminished as the boat held up long enough for him to take a seat in the center. After he had settled himself the vessel pushed off shore and began the journey to the Land of Water. For his part Daisuke remained silent, his eyes constantly scanning the horizon for any signs of hostile forces. He knew that his vigilance was unfounded, the Mizukage’s forces would have their hands full with the rebels to send out a group to harass them, but it was in his nature to be constantly on guard. The trip passed by slowly for him, but eventually they reached the destination. Daisuke quickly went ashore and began making his way to the appointed meeting spot. He did not move with haste, and he stuck to the ground, to bring as little attention to himself as he could. It would reflect very poorly on his abilities if his mission ended abruptly because he gave himself away by acting abnormally. Upon arriving in the vicinity of where he was told to meet the contact he soon found the man. Maintaining the pace he had set prior, Daisuke approached the stall the contact was perusing and followed his example. While examining the merchandise he softly said his part of the phrase. [color=2F4F4F]”What is dead may never die.”[/color] The contact looked at him briefly before replying. “But rises again, harder and stronger. Follow me.” They made their way out of the market through an alley, which lead to another and another. At first Daisuke believed that the man was trying to confuse him, but he soon realized that the contact was trying to prevent anyone from following them. Soon enough they arrived in front of a warehouse which they entered. While on the outside it had looked abandoned and nearly falling apart, inside was a different story. All around there were people moving about going about their business. [color=2F4F4F]”Please inform whoever is in charge here that I have arrived. Until he has need of us we will wait here.[/color] The contacted nodded and promptly departed. He hoped that they would be able to start helping sooner rather than later, as he disliked the idea of sitting around for too long.