[center][h1]Aiden Cross[/h1][/center] "Meh, if they got dibs, they got dibs. Besides, while the reward isn't as large, it seems easy enough . . . unless you want to hit up this other one instead." Aiden shrugged, looking over both the request Kuroko had chosen, which seemed easy enough and the one he probably should go on given his current condition, before turning his attention towards another request on the board that that he kinda wanted to do, and more importantly, payed a lot more, as well as also seeming a tad more urgent, even if whoever put it up seemed like an entitled ass. A couple of angry twins in Clover town were likely to find themselves taken down by another team due to the historical significance of the town, so it wasn't like it was unlikely for them to get help if they didn't go. [hider=Job Notice][center][u][b]Protect me![/b][/u] [b]Reward: [/b] [s]10,000,000 J[/s] 20,000,000 J [b]Location:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/cI6VOCq.png]East of Crocus, north of the mountains.[/url] [i][s]You writing this down? What do you mean, you're writing this down right now! I told you to not right down stuff word for word. Audible groan, just erase it. What do you mean, you can't erase it?! Exasperated sigh. I guess we'll just start from the beginning. Cross out everything.[/s] Dear insert whatever guild we're sending this to. My life is in danger by an assassination attempt in exactly 2 days at midnight. Please come. More information will be given once you arrive. Okay, let me sign that. What do you mean, you can't let me sign it?! Poisoned ink?! You're fired! What do you mean, you're my son! I don't remember who you are! Just send the damn letter![/i][/center][/hider] "We'll probably need another person or two, given the difficulty, but then again, it's a protection job so the right companion could make all the difference." Aiden's eyes drifted over to Nigel as Kuroko addressed the living machine, a smile crossing over his features as he glided over to the both of them, taking a seat next to the pink haired man. "and speak of the devil, I don't think anyone's better suited for a protection job than someone who can always keep an eye on the target. What'd ya say, you pink haired genius, want to help break a vote? I want to go with one mission, Lead-head over here want's to go with another. Here's the request forms, which you want to do?" Aiden placed the two requests in front of the man, airing patiently for his response. As he waited, however, he felt a shiver crawl up his spine, as if someone was watching him, but when he turned around, he saw no one. HE kept his yes locked on the position where he had felt the sensation, but after some time, shrugged it off as just nerves and went back to waiting for Nigel's decision. He doubted that woman would be crazy enough to follow him to the guild hall, much less attack him here. [@Vec] [@Lmpkio]