[quote=@Corporal Lance] He'd be a figment, even if someone else chose Zidane as their character because of his impact to Freya's character development and how I perceive him as and the actions I plan on having him take. Under Memoria I happened to list every event Freya can be involved in, which includes a heaping helping of Zidane after Disc 2. The ones that she's absent for, such as the Lifa Tree and Gargan Roo are absent because she was never there. Zidane just makes a lot of appearances because, well, he gets the most screen time. :P[/quote] Zidane obviously gets the most screen time in IX because he's the number one protagonist within this game. That's the same for Cloud in VII, Tidus in X, and so on. :P For "Memoria" (backstory) part the inclusion of Zidane or any other characters is perfectly fine since this section is about the canon info; I was more concerned about the arcs you're planning because he doesn't seem like a collab point and appears to be fully integrated at early stage. Thank you for the clarification though. :) So far no one is contesting the characters you guys have chosen to take up, so the GMs shall be looking over the applications we have so far - namely Cloud and Freya - either later today (because it's midnight for Ryu's side now) or tomorrow. --- [@KoL][@Undine][@Crimson Raven][@Redthorn Anvil][@Jack Travidi] Whenever you're ready you can start posting your sheet here in the OOC. :) No need to rush and take your time.