[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GdNKNGw.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#76819D][u][b][h1]The Gypsy[/h1][/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWh9l8RSkPk]Just another day[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDfZ6STAfqA]for the Gypsy of Steel[/url][/center] Dark, gloomy...no scratch that. It was downright depressing. Not to mention that never ending rainfall that continued to destroy her blonde hair, Amber eye stared up to the Grey could that loomed over. Exhaling out of her noise, Momoi Hiromoto Yasei ran her hand through her wet hair. [color=#76819D]"Take this missing they said, it'll be fun they said."[/color] she muttered under her breath. She even spat in disgust for this mission. [color=#76819D]"Outside the fucken rain village no less...in a damn cramped spot no less...fucken shit fuck!"[/color] she swore again unintentional letting out her voice before silencing herself once again. "Nah, but be the rain, or some poor sap stubbing his foot into something." Relaxing for a second. Momoi pulled out a gold covered scroll. Her mission was to deliver the message to the Rebels that were taken part in this civil war. The Gypsy didn't really pay attention to it really, but apparently- According to the hidden leaf village- this message was extremely important to them. Fishing inside her jacket, the blonde took of a flask of alcohol and took a quick swig of it. The gypsy was currently located behind enemy lines. Along with another ninja from the hidden leaf: Tatsuya Terumi. Somehow no one of the rebel side had heard of a ally from the hidden leaf coming to aid them or give the information. As soon was the blonde appeared before them. They started attacking. This suprise attack and left the two opting to spilt up and run for cover. While it wasn't the best idea. It was the most logical. If you was caught or killed, the other would have to carry on the mission. [color=#76819D]"Terumi.....come in Terumi...over."[/color] she clicked her tongue silently. [color=#76819D]"Bitch ass rebel...those fuckers."[/color] Momoi was far from impressed of their work. Somehow she was now located underneath a crate with a few peepholes to look outside. She had been underneath it for the past few hours, and it was starting to become annoying. Even worse when to box was letting the water in. The only thing she could do was to study the pattern of the solders that came once in awhile to take the place of the last solider. They would either come in pair or trio. [color=#76819D]"If i'm correct, then the next switch should be..."[/color] leaving it of, she mental counted down from 5. [color=#76819D]'4' '3' '2' '1....'[/color] "Alright buddy, your done here, move back to the main trench, the other are waiting for you." Right on cue, a average Shinobi entered the trench quietly. With a tired nodded the man keeping guard rose to his feet and wobbled away from the other. It was funny seeing the male walk away. anyone could tell that his legs feel asleep. As soon at the man left. It was Momoi window that she needed to take. "Alright, let's see what this book is about...." The man got comfortable, but the girl couldn't take any chances. Not if she wanted to attract attention to herself, the last thing she needed was that to happen. Pulling out a Kunai from her bag. She gently lifted the box over her head and scanned the room. [color=#76819D]"Straight up assassination? No, there would be took much struggle and blood."[/color] Her eyes were peeled, any unwanted parties and she could drop the box down and start from square one. [color=#76819D]"Misdirection?"[/color] her reached into her bag again and played with a flash-ball. As the name implied. throw it down and do the ram seal, then everything turns bright white. [color=#76819D]"No, it'll attract too much attention again." [/color] Her time was running out quickly as she tried to find a way to leave the area, trying to leave with the guy there was not going to work. They were ninjas after all. Then it hit her. [color=#76819D]"It's now or never."[/color] fumbling in her bag once again, she pulled out a pill for raising one's stamina. Lifting the box once more. Momoi looked around the area. In the distance was a spot light, it was not going to reach her location. Making sure her footsteped her silent as ever. She had carefully removed her shoes and proceeded to move towards her target. Holding the pill in her right hand, she inched closer to her target. As blessing in disguise came to her. The man yawned. Without a split hesitation. She crammed the pill in the man mouth, making the man's eye widened. "Hey what th-!?" Momoi keep silent she wrapped her dominate arm around his neck and the other arm over her wrist to keep him in the chock hold. The pill would be lodged inside his pipe-hole while trying to fight Momoi sleep move. His face turned blue as he claws and struggled for help. But the girl's grip was too strong. Soon he died from lack of air and not to mention the pill stuck in his throat. Letting go she dragged the corpse back to the back she hid under and left the man there. Searching his valuables, the gypsy obtained a map, a few Kunais and water. Also a lighter. [color=#76819D]"It won't long till the switch over comes and that place goes into high alert."[/color] With a sigh she left the trench and followed the map. Every move had to be taken care of. She tried her comms once again to reach her teamate. Hoping that he was still alive. [color=#76819D]"Oi...come in, it'll suck if you karked it already."[/color] No answer. [color=#76819D]"God dammit."[/color] Just in the life of the gypsy. [@Raijinslayer]