[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Warakuma High[/color][/b][/center] [Center][b] Monday, May 25th[/b][/Center] Arriving at the lobby of the school, Ayano was nearly shocked awake when one student began to shake her hand at a rapid speed, making her stumble quite a bit....The student was saying something along the lines of, [i]"Congratulations, Ayano-chan![/i] Congratulations? What's the celebration? Did she miss the memo or something? Looking around, it would seem that the girl had found the source of all the confusion, the midterm results are out. Ayano gulped and feared for the worst...The boy was probably kidding when he said those words, he was probably making fun of her low score...What did she get? 79? Probably something like that. Making her way to the crowd, the girl tried to look at her name from the list, undoubtedly anxious to see her mediocre score. She shifted uncomfortably as her eyes scanned throughout the list, what if it was something lower than 79? Oh god, she'd never be able to face the reality of it all and probably retreat to her little cave of wonders for the next semester or so...Then, her eyes locked on to the name she had sought out for what seemed like an eternity, there it was in plain sight for everyone to see. A whopping 99...Ayano blinked twice, even rubbing them for a while, just to make sure she was seeing straight and it wasn't all some illusion she was forced to believe. How...How was that even possible? She could've sworn she got a handful of the questions wrong, well...not that she was complaining but still. The girl didn't even take it seriously as most of the others did, maybe it's a sign, an omen of bad things to come... To her dismay, a number of people in her class have already started talking about her, her paranoia sinking in. She probably thinks they're badmouthing her for having such a high grade, clearly someone else was deserving of that grave. With a sigh, Ayano sheepishly made her way to her classroom, hoping that her being the talk of the town would subside sooner or later.