[center][h1][color=0072bc]Raiiel "Ra" Ashblade[/color][/h1] [img]http://i26.servimg.com/u/f26/14/06/46/66/44454111.jpg[/img] [hider=Demon Form] [img]http://jesscscott.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/incubus_demon.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=0072bc][u]Age[/u] 18 [u]Race[/u] Demon [u]Grade[/u] High School Junior [u]Magic School[/u] Demonic Magic, i.e, things to do with hell and being able to detect evil spirits, and using shadows to travel cloak himself. [u]Personality[/u] Firece, mischevious, calm, relaxed-until you piss him off by touching his butt wirthout permission, or if someone he cares for is hurt or insulted, and don't say anything about his dad-you might end up in flames. You wouldn't think it, but he's sarcastic, and [s]loves his father a lot[/s] likes to Tango. He's really rather good at it. [u]Bio[/u] Ra was born in hell-literally-when [s]Lucifer[/s] some crazy cultist decided he wanted [s]a son[/s] to create a demon. So he took shadows and fire from hell, and added a bit of personality traits that he liked. Ra has pretty much had a demented childhood-it was like having a dad who's a psychotic Asshole that you had to escape from when you were just seven years old. He eventually found a place he could call home when a young married couple took pity on him and welcomed him. [/color][/center]