This was getting rather boring. Which was quite something for a man in this situation. Any man in this situation, let alone one like Rugal. One would think he'd be right at home doing this. He had been ordered by his TEMPORARY superiors (that he was, of course, playing for fools, because to do otherwise would just be stupid) to just sit around doing nothing. In the middle of this deserted cafeteria that had been converted into a throne room-slash-fighting arena of sorts. He sat at a chair which seemed to resemble a very expensive desk chair, taken from elsewhere on the site, with his usual slouch of confidence, though it was edging into a slouch of boredom, the way he was resting his head on his fist. He quite frequently found himself reaching down to pet his Panther, Rodem, only to remember that Rodem wasn't there. Whatever happened to Rodem, anyway? They better not have put him in a zoo, he thought. They would pay with their lives if they put him in a zoo. This wasn't to say he had no pets. Just ahead of him were a pair of [url=]strange worm-colony creatures packed into vaguely humanoid armour and toting large, glowing cannons.[/url] Earlier, he had tried to get these creatures to shoot something, if only so he could gauge what kind of weapon it was and how valuable they might be, but they didn't listen. The fools. This was precisely why he preferred fighting solo; so he wouldn't have to put up with temperamental and unstable and betrayal-happy henchmen. Just like those two dirty secretaries he had hired. The thought of them made him grip the side of his seat in irritation. [@Sodium] Thankfully, however, this was soon broken very suddenly. The faint but distinct muffled sound of an explosion went off... somewhere else in the facility. The noise made Rugal sit up in his seat, and the two worm creatures started stirring. They started communicating with each other, in some low-pitched garbled 'language'. Rugal was about to sit up and demand that they both investigate at once, but then he remembered two things: one, the book he'd been reading told him that backup is a valuable thing, even when you're as capable a man as he. Two, there were multiple cameras lining the room, giving the audience a good view of the eeeeeevil level boss sitting and plotting on his throne, flanked by eeeeevil alien bodyguards. It wouldn't look good if any of them left. It would ruin the atmosphere. He sat back and smirked to himself. He had this all figured out.