Name: Rivers J. Duran. Age:13 Aura: Yellow. Abilities: Superhuman athleticism and animal telepathy Armor: BMX armor, if that's acceptable. Appearance: Tall, slim teen, thick brown curly hair, freckled face. Light brown eyes, attire always consists of flannel, slim cut jeans and converse.(lemme know if i should do a more detailed desc) Summoned: Random objects, though most commonly a large black electric bass guitar. Backstory: Rivers grew up in Sacramento California, a warzone . Everything was scarce, food, water, parents. Everything but books and CDs he stole from an abandoned record store for his walkman. Rivers spent all his time reading books. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, fiction, non-fiction, anything available. He lived alone, his father having to leave him at a young age for the war. Rivers never expected to be attacked, well-hidden living under an abandoned apartment building. When he was, it happened lightning quick. Lights flashed in his face, masked men with guns attacked, one grabbed him by the neck violently threw him down. In a hurry, Rivers reached into his satchel for whatever was in there, felt a small handle, and realized it was a flashbang. After that, Rivers only recalled sitting with va black bass, surrounded by his attackers when someone sent by the "Headmaster" came to pick him up.