After spinning, and entirely forgetting the reason for doing so, a girl came up and questioned about where new arrivals should go. Looking at her, she seemed kinda out of it. Though James wasn't really one to judge. [b]"Not gonna lie I'll be damned if I know. I'm still trying to figure it out myself."[/b] he replied, looking at her with a look of [i]"What did you really expect from a guy spinning in circles"[/i] covered up with [i]"I have no fucking clue..."[/i] Then another girl entered, walking straight and talking to a person on the grounds who pointed her in the general direction of where to go. [b]"I assume we can ask that guy or someone like him and he will let us know. At least, I hope."[/b] he said, walking up to the guy and asking where on Earth the new comers were supposed to go. He pointed to an area which was apparently the dorm rooms and James made his way there, gesturing for the girl to come with him. [b]"Names James by the way. James Ferron. Nice to meet another new comer."[/b] he said, trying to make some general conversation with the newer person.