[center][h3][color=lightsteelblue]Laurel Wren Demirci[/color][/h3] [img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f11/krosscowgirl/Characters/dd1532dafbeea1f15673418e0b143fb1_zpses8d0ti7.jpg[/img] ☠ Enemy || ☯ Neutral || ★ Friend || ♥ Love Interest[/center] [center][color=000000][h1][u]Hogwarts Relations[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [indent][u][b]A L V A . Z O L K I N[/b][/u] | ★ “AJ is so fashionable, I wish I could make that much effort to look cute.” Alva and Laurel are quite friendly, both playing quidditch. Laurel is quite envious of Alva’s natural style and how fashionable the other girl is. She thinks she’s quite funny. [u][b]E L I Z E . V A N Z A N T[/b][/u] | ☯ “Her serval is so pretty and elegant!” Laurel isn’t really all that familiar with the other girl. She only knows that Elize is from Sarina Dorie and that she’s quite obviously French. She’s fairly sure that she’s also very wealthy and Laurel really likes her cat, if you could call it that. [u][b]E V A N G E L I N E . D R A K E[/b][/u] | ★/☯ “Such a good captain, a shame she always seems to get hurt though.” Eva is someone Laurel really admires for her devotion to the team and her ability to strategize on the go. She also thinks it would help the girl to work out a bit more than she does. Maybe it would keep her from getting hurt so frequently. [u][b]G R E G O R Y . J O N E S[/b][/u] | ★ “Slick is such a ladies man. *cue laughter*” Laurel quite frankly thinks Slick is the most hilarious thing since, well she’s not quite sure what but he’s damn funny. He might could use a little work in the muscle department but definitely cute. [u][b]J O H N S O N . L E E D S[/b][/u] | ★/☯/♥ “What a bowl a deliciousness. Mmmhmm!” Laurel is pretty sure Johnson is one of the finest creatures she may have ever laid eyes one. Except that one guy she saw in a picture on Instagram one day that her friend posted. He’s definitely always up to something and that is probably the biggest turn off for Laurel. Just one kiss couldn't hurt right? [u][b]L U C A S . W E S T O N[/b][/u] | ☯ “A bit rude I guess but alright.” Lucas is rather cute to Laurel but not nearly athletic enough to truly get her attention like Johnson has. She would rather he not be as rude as she’s seen him been but it could be a lot worse. Not friends but not foes either, that she knows of at least. [u][b]M A D I S O N . L I[/b][/u] | ☯ “She’s a good player and captain.” Laurel is not really what one would call friends with Madison but they aren’t unfriendly, at least off the pitch anyhow. She’s fairly sure that Ms. Li could definitely use some time in the gym but then again she thinks that about nearly everyone. [u][b]O P H E L I A . C R A F T E R[/b][/u] | ☯ “The red headed girl right? She’s in potions club with me.” Laurel wouldn’t really call Ophelia a friend but they talk in potions club and class occasionally, especially when there are harder potions to work on. She thinks Ophelia is very good at potions. [u][b]T A D E O . D I A Z[/b][/u] | ★/♥ “Mmmm, the new American right? Saucy.” Laurel isn’t super familiar with Tadeo as he’s rather new but is very interested in getting to know him. She does however think that he would make an excellent gym buddy. Or a fabulous date for that matter. [u][b]W Y A T T . B L A C K W O O D[/b][/u] | ★ “He is simply precious!” Laurel loves Wyatt with all her heart, just not that way. She’s quite sure that he’s the best Seeker since Harry Potter. She is slightly biased on that though as he is her teammate. [u][b]C H A R L E S . K E M P[/b][/u] | ☯ “Are you talking about the odd blonde kid with a penchant for being awful?” Laurel is familiar with Charles only because he plays quidditch and though she doesn’t outright not like the young man she isn’t in any hurry to be friends with the lad either. He’s far too thin and pale looking. He reminds her of an albino imp honestly. [u][b]Z E K E . R O W L E S[/b][/u] | ☯ “Seems like a nice guy.” Laurel doesn't really know Zeke, he seems to keep to himself. She does, however, like his brightly colored hair. He appears to be rather nice though once you get past the "Bah, I hate you all" exterior. [u][b]T H O M A S . C R E V I K I[/b][/u] | ★ “Super Cutie!” As with most people involved with quidditch Laurel considers Thomas a friend so long as they're off the pitch. He seems quite smart and likable to her. If only he was in as good as shape as Johnson.[/indent]