Cythlla giggled, holding a hand up to her mouth, soon it went into a hysterical laughter. "You guys are so funny! You keep talking about how what I did was wrong, or what I did was right!" Cythlla said with a grin looking at all of them. "I don't care if what I did was right or wrong! I'm just part of a process! And it's going to continue! You can't stop it anymore! Corruption is coming, I hope your prepared!" Cythlla was hysterical but her words were true, she was only a stepping stone. "Punish me if you will, I have said what I mean to say! So lock me up! Then lock up everyone else too cause their gonna be part of this process!" Cythlla said her grin even bigger, her eyes crazed now. She had lost her sanity, anything else she spouts now isn't going to make sense. "Don't you hear the steps of corruption! Their taking hold now! The ducks are quacking with madness! Your all quacking with secrets!" Cythlla yelled out, now she had gone mad.