[center][color=cyan][h3]Nakaru Evercloud[/h3][/color][/center] It was a common sight along the route taken by the dragon slayer to the guildhall; women swooning, red faced, sighing in reverie, or huffing in contempt. Such was the result of Nakaru's unintentional flirting. The cat sitting on his shoulder looked back at the sight and shook his head. [color=slateblue]"You've gotta get that under control...that habit can't end well."[/color] The cerulean haired mage walked along with hardly a care and a gentle smile on his face. He gave Sykes the usual perplexed look he gave everyone when they mentioned his mannerisms. [color=cyan]"What won't end well?"[/color] Just then he felt a familiar tremor in the ground. [color=cyan]"Fantastic...Damon's getting impatient. If only a certain somebody woke me up on time."[/color] Sykes hopped down from Nakaru's shoulder and looked back at him with a seriousness in his eyes. [color=slateblue]"Sorry, but you need to get more rest...you can't manage it if you burn yourself out."[/color] Nakaru knelt down and pat Sykes on the head. [color=cyan]"Thanks. Really...I'm happy to know you always have my back. I'll be fine as long as you keep that up."[/color] Sykes averted his gaze trying to act cool. [color=slateblue]"I'm not one those girls; that charm of yours doesn't work everywhere...Let's hurry up before they leave us behind."[/color] Sykes turned and continued walking. [color=slateblue]"I know you'll keep your promise...just don't kill yourself over it."[/color] Nakaru smirked. [color=cyan]"Heh, you sentimental furball...[/color] They arrived at the guildhall shortly and quickly spotted the rest of the group. [color=cyan]"Looks like you guys haven't left yet. And here I thought we were late~"[/color] Nakaru said with a snarky tone. [@Kal-El] [@WaddleDaisy] [@Eklispe] [@chukklehed]