A voice piercing the air drew Damien's attention to the source, just in time to see the sign that the woman was holding disappear. He adjusted his pack, not that it needed much adjustment, before listening to what the woman was saying, before rolling his eyes with a groan. Just what he needed, another potentially long ride with a crowd of people. This was going to be a longer day than he thought. When the older boy, the one that everyone was reacting to earlier, prompted a question, Damien narrowed his attention on that conversation, before muttering to himself "Just Great. Just freaking great." He had been hoping that they would be living in dorms by themselves, but that had been too much to hope for. Now he had to live with someone he didn't know, in a house he wouldn't be familiar with, in a place he didn't know. He knew it was somewhat of an upgrade, but still, he would have much rather been living on his own.