[color=#F52887] [@User][b]"You fucking asshole!"[/b] She glared at the dumbass who had broken the window that sounded the alarm of the van from which she was hiding behind. The zombies immediately were drawn to the loud blaring noise. Moving quickly and silently, she moved out from behind the van and back towards the girl who held a beautifully crafted explosive who then tossed a frying pan to set off another alarm. It was a distraction, but a bad one. It would draw even more zombies to the area. They had to get moving. She silently motioned to the girl[@tigerchuffs] along with the others, [@fij707][@Karl Kadaver] to follow her up the side alley which was clear of obstructions. It also appeared to be zombie-free. She walked swiftly, her gun raised in caution. She peered around every car, every door, every corner as she quickly made it to the next cross street. The alley was then blocked by a large semi truck which had crashed into a building. She turned right and continued down the street, searching for a usable car, hoping the others would assist her in the search. Maybe then, they could collaborate and come up with a plan. Suddenly, a zombie lurched out from behind a large truck and grabbed her. Sarah struggled with the ferocious body that frantically chomped in her direction. It was strong, almost over-powering. Sarah tripped out of panic and fell with the weight of the zombie on top of her. It was a man with piercing blue eyes, eyes that would forever haunt her. The fear was overwhelming and for a moment she froze, staring into those eyes. He then bared down and attempted to bite her. Instinct took over. Raising the gun, she fired. The bullet traveled quickly and exploded through the back of the man's head. Those eyes were staring at her as the body stilled and flopped down on her. She quickly shoved the body off of her in disgust and struggled to stand but only has the strength to get to her knees. She was gasping for air and shaking, the gun resting on her thigh. [/color]