[h3]Charles Balderdash[/h3] “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He said after nodding at each person in turn who introduced themselves. But hearing that apparently no-one had any idea of how they got here did cause Charles some disappointment. His smile momentarily twisted into a look of mild annoyance. He had to agree with the word Twain had used to sum up that aspect of the situation. Charles had never been a fan of not knowing things, or even being unable to find out about things, and after a few years in such a field as his this dislike had formed into a mild hatred. “Well never mind that.” He slapped a smile back on and his case onto a nearby slab of rock. “Certain we’ll figure out that little detail together eventually. Probably a few clues hidden away here or there.” He bobbed his head ‘here’ and ‘there’ for a moment trying to get a better look at the decrepit walls around them. “If I might ask is there anything else in particular around here that might be of interest to our investigations? I couldn’t help but notice that as we walked in you were in the middle of gathering various...” Charles too a deep breath as he tried to think of the best word to use: he had never been the best one around body parts that weren’t attached to where they belonged. “Bits and bobs.” Another quite twirl all around and Charles then spotted something over in the far corner of the hall. “Ah. That um. Hm, yes that, that might be something of interest.” Was all Charles had to say concerning the corpse laying upon what he assumed to be some sort of altar, although it had obviously seen better days. With nothing more to say on the matter Charles dashed back to his case resting politely where he had left it. Standing in front of it Charles flicked his wrist for a small set of keys to appear in his fist. The latches undid with satisfying snaps allowing Charles to rummage through the contents of the case. “If someone could place these labels about the body that would be fantastic.” He said holding out a set of cards with letters on them. He then paused and with a frown cocked his head to the side slightly. “hold the phone….Can anyone else hear that rumbling sound?”