[@MiddleEarthRoze] Rowan Hurst is a strange looking man with jet blood red hair and dark brown eyes. However his right eye is covered with an eye patch and it looks like little black veins connect to it at the edges of the eyepatch. His figure is more or less rather meek compared to many of the warriors coming in. Had he been a vampire or at least someone able to shapeshift into a werewolf his meager fortitude wouldn't be that much of a problem. Alas he is but only human. Humans are the weakest of the species but strangely he never felt any desire to be anything else. Getting up slowly out of his bed he looks about the nearly empty room. There is a single twin size bed in a wooden room with nothing on the walls but shreds of old and decayed wallpaper. There is a single tiny dresser on the other side of the vacant room which is still covered in dust from its lack of use. He had already unpacked many of his things into the dresser but all of his 'essentials' were still in his bag. Standing now he makes his way to the bag and opens it with a snap. The black leather bag opens easily and its highly organized inside. He does a quick double count of all of his items, several bottles of holy water, jars of varying substances (most of which look like slightly different colors of dust), a silver amulet with a strange design, chalk and a tiny book far to small to be a book of scripture. With a look outside Rowan suddenly realizes what time it is. He must have slept far longer than he had intended. The sun was already on its way down. Reaching into his vest pocket he pulls out an old wind up pocket watch. He flips it open and a small picture of himself with an older priest decorates the other side of the watch. Scowling at the time he quickly closes the bag and walks out of the room. he didn't bother to turn off the light as the light didn't work in that room. It didn't work in any room actually as there had been no power to this building for quite some time. He liked it specifically because it was rather quiet and there was less broken glass than the average abandoned building in this small god-forsaken town. He made a quick mental note to get to work on the electricity problem when he was able to. But today was the day the rest of the people were supposed to arrive. Stepping out of the front door he closes it behind him carefully. Turning to look at the setting sun over the ocean port. The salty fresh air filled his lungs and it just took it in for a moment. However he started to shiver slightly as it was getting rather cold and the port wind didn't help matters in the slightest. Though a new face appeared in his line of vision as Roze had made her way in his general direction. Of course he highly doubted that she had done so intentionally and probably was just going to look at the ocean. None the less he felt the need to approach her. "Hello there!" Rowan says with a slightly Irish accent. It seems he has mostly lost what was once a stronger accent but you can still hear it faintly. "You one of the new ones to arrive today? My name is Rowan. Pleased to make your acquaintance miss..." he lets his sentence trail to give her an opportunity to introduce herself.