[hider=Kieran Ravenwood] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Kieran Ravenwood [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Appearance:[/u] [/b]  [img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1380348146i/702432.jpg[/img] Kieran is tall at 6'4" and weighs about 170 pounds. He has wavy blond hair and blond stubble. He has dark blue eyes. He has some small tattoos on some parts of his body like on his chest, wrist and ankle. [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 26 [b][u] Occupation:[/u][/b] Freelance Artist and Writer [u][b]Astrological sign: [/b][/u] Pisces [b][u]When did you arrive?:[/u][/b] 5th [b][u] Personality:[/u][/b] Kieran is a creative person with a love for stories, music and the emotions behind brush strokes, it's a pity he couldn't care more about real life. If things doesn't involve creativity or to think deeply about it Kieran will do everything in his power to avoid the thing, which means he's not much of a people person since he sees people as interesting as their art or music. He incredably lazy and has an addictive personality as he will get addicted to things like drugs or a feeling when doing dangerous things, or forgetting to eat and drink when he has a muse to create something. He's slow to trust others and comes off as rather hostile with his sarcasm, insults and overall grumpiness, he's not much better when he trusts a person but his insults are more affectionate then mean spirited and he smiles when he's sarcastic even if what's he saying is really mean. He puts art above all personal achievements and he believes it is above all other skills a person can have. Kieran hates sleeping to the point that he stays awake for days on end simply so he could work on art some more, and he believes dreams are a lazy thing to base off art or stories off of. He has no regrets he finds them pointless to linger on but he does think it okay to be dissapointed or angry at ones own failures. He's also shameless, he will flirt with the few people that attract him with dirty jokes and innuendos and he hates wearing clothes when he feel he doesn't need to which is almost always when he by himself or around those he are comfortable with. [b] [u]Miscellaneous:[/u][/b] He sold four pieces of art, in which after his disappearance these pieces become more expensive and famous. He has written a fantasy adventure book that boomed in popularity after he went missing after his book was put forward as a recommendation on a show in support of finding Kieran. [/hider] [hider=Relationship] In Kieran's room the walls are painted with detailed murals of the night sky and the beach near his hometown. Scattered all over the floors are sketchbooks surronded by pencils, paint, paintbrushes. Each sketchbook has a number up front for each resident of the manor, each sketchbook is different in tone and art style. 1. The cover is rather formal looking more like a notebook then a sketchbook its cover is made out of black leather that has a white 1 in the bottom corner as well as on the spine, most of the drawings are profile drawings of Ace, from many points of view, all of them are drawn by cheap pens you would find at an office. The only words in the sketchbooks are, "Nice features, Nice clothes, good model, boring." 2. TBA 3. TBA 4. This Sketchbook has nice warm colors and shapes on the cover with a black 4 on the top left. This sketchbook has many scenery paintings with a woman in each one that looks a lot like Kennedy. Thesee are thr notes about Kennedy, "Good physical features, great model, likeable, avoid talking to." 5. A locked Sketchbook, what it contains is a secret to all but Kieran. It's cover is made out of brown leather with the number five on each corner. It's Kieran's personal sketchbook. 6. A simple cover being pure white with a large black 6 on the cover. The drawings are sketchy and often messy profiles of Emma, most of them are not finished and some are even scibbled over. There's only three words in this sketchbook. " Could be better." 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. [/hider]