New York City. A place of bustling streets full of cars, people, and skyscrapers. Its skyline was said to be extremely beautiful, especially at night, when one could see its lights from the Atlantic. The city of New York in Arcadia was certainly large. It seemed that a few artificial islands had been made to extend the city further, pushing its boundary against the Atlantic. But no humans inhabited this city. It was a land of decay and rot, where the great works of man were starting to be reclaimed by the Earth. That was the common story across most of Arcadia. It was a varied planet with nations the same as ours, albeit 3/4ths of a century in the future. It was clear that the world was many times more technologically advanced then our own. Yet, it was empty and devoid of any and all life. A world full of Terminals- a gateway to an infinite number of worlds. Some terminals have broken down, and others have been left open, resulting in beings and fauna alien to this Earth, Arcadia, sprouting up across it. Its "Wild West" atmosphere was given to it by its lack of oversight by The Authority; the terminals on this planet could be used by anyone, assuming they had the strength to seize them. That would make this planet a prime target of critical importance for anyone who wanted their influence to pass through multiple worlds. As it was, in New York City, an anomaly occurred- either by design, or by simple random chance, or perhaps by divine will. Regardless, the existence of Arcadia became publically known to multiversal factions, and a few various beings from across the infinite number of worlds were forcibly brought to Arcadia. Our group has arrived in New York City, formerly part of the United States(While the US still existed and humans inhabited this world). They have either appeared at the Statue of Liberty, or Grand Central Terminal(The Railroad). From there, they have a whole world to explore. Or perhaps, whole Worlds? [@Kael Taiyou][@Lmpkio][@malmshodes][@LaXnyd][@Vocab][@Skepic][@Flamelord][@RumikoOhara][@Cuccoruler][@Kayuta][@NubianLegend][@Venku][@Mr_pink][@ShaggyDoo0][@Stephanie Dola][@Izaka Sazaka][@Ben][@Larfleeze]