The hallway behind the door they’d disappeared through was wide enough to accommodate several humans walking shoulder to shoulder. The walls were made of beveled corrugated metal that echoed their faint metallic footsteps. The area smelled of grease, fuel, rust, and the sharp zing of electrocharged air. It all was quite the contrast to their ship’s sterile odor and Ryen couldn’t say it was a change for the better. They continued to walk on for a few minutes in silence, heading deeper into the stronghold. Occasionally the hallway forked off, leading to other shipping docks. Every now and then the couple ran into other civilian visitors or Federation staff wearing uniforms that marked them as dock workers or patrols. [b]”You want to tell me what that way about back there?”[/b] Ryen said after she was sure the Buldos they had passed was out of ear shot. Quincy stopped and pressed a button in the wall, summoning an elevator to take them up to other floors in the base. [b]”Not really.”[/b] the doctor replied stubbing out his cigarette on the elevator door’s frame. It was his third once since getting off the ship and from the way his hand lingered towards the front pocket of his lab coat, Ryen guessed it would shortly be followed by another. [b]”I think if people are coming after me I ought to know,”[/b] Ryen hissed as they door chimed opened and the two stepped inside. [b]”You know, Ryen,”[/b] Quincy said in a dry voice, [b]”Not everything is about you... Let’s just say it was an old associate of mine that I didn’t feel like chatting with and leave it at that.”[/b] Ryen looked at the doctor’s face, trying to ascertain what was behind his curiously blank expression. Meanwhile, Quincy reached out and selected two different floors from the elevator’s digital control panel. [b]”I would stick to the upper floors if I were you,”[/b] the doctor continued, [b]”The more expensive merchants and goods are housed there. Some might even say they’re safer for an impressionable young lady.”[/b] He gave her a stern look at those words, the effect of which was nearly comical. The elevator dinged as a soothing feminine voice called out the floor. [b]”This is my stop.”[/b] he announced. It wasn’t until the metal door slid open that Ryen felt a sudden surge of panic. From her limited vantage point, she could see what looked like a sort of market. However, the fact that it had vendors selling thigs was the only resemblance it held to market places she’d seen planet-side. The floor was grimy with wet streaks and puddles that reflected the light of nearby neon and holographic signs. Stalls, displaying questionable goods, were haphazardly erected and strewn together out of various materials. Trash littered the ground, causing the casual shopper to take care not to stumble into it. Needless to say, Quincy’s stark white lab coat was a sharp contrast. [b]”You should probably buy yourself some more shirts while you’re here. The same four are getting boring to look at day in and day out.”[/b] With that he doctor stepped outside and the door slid closed behind him. Once again the elevator began to climb. Not for the first time in recent history did Ryen feel way over her head. [b]”I can always go back to the ship early if things get a bit hairy,”[/b] she out loud to herself, [b]”And Lazlo didn’t specify just [i]how[/i] early I can get in.”[/b] Part of her, a big part of her, wanted to turn around now and head back to the ship but she suspected she’d be hard pressed to convince the AI to let her in [i]this[/i] early. As if on cue, the elevator slowed down and announced her stop. Bolstering herself Ryen stepped from the relative safety of the metal box. Thankfully, as Quincy had suggested, this floor seemed a bit more her speed. These stores were set in permeant structures, some even having high security systems (as announced by signs) to dissuade those with sticky fingers. The ground was cleaner although like down below, trash was still piled up here and there. Sparking windows displayed everything from jewelry and fine collectables, clothing, skin printing, and the latest technological advancements all behind thick, shock proof glass. The latter of which caught her eye as Ryen made a mental note that she wanted to pick up some tools of her trade. Still, there would be enough time for that later. At this moment, she had more pressing matter to attend to. Wandering around though the maze of store fronts, she eventually found what she’d been searching for. It was a smaller shop that served tiny, expensive drinks in fancy crystalline glasses. In the back were a few news terminals where one could sit in relative peace and peruse at will without being disturbed. Other than the shop owner, a small set Thortalbash with budging grey eyes, a male humanoid was the only other occupant in the store. From what she could gather from the reflection bouncing off his goggles, he was currently occupied watching the latest reruns of the Gongoriam Games. The Thortalbash scuttled over, its sixteen legs cruising over the plush emerald carpet with practiced ease. After giving him her drinking order, she logged into the information terminal. [i]”Dr. Arleth found murdered in Park Square. His body was filleted beyond…”[/i] [i]”…reported critical information from lab was destroyed in an attempt…”[/i] [i]”…unresolved case lingers in citizen’s memory of…”[/i] The last news clipping caught Ryen’s full attention. [i]”The daughter of the recently deceased Dr. Arleth has been reported missing. Due to recent evidence found in her home, local law enforcement has placed her as the prime suspect in the victim’s murder case. Currently her whereabouts are unknown. Please contact your local authority if you have any information. Due to the nature of her father’s death, the assailant is presumed to be dangerous. Do not engage.”[/i]