All of the commotion of the fair was a refreshing atmosphere to the sounds of battle that Fero was so accustomed to hearing, and seeing. Places like the fair were a good reminder that life was to be enjoyed; that it wasn’t all about fighting, and money. Sometimes, even mercenaries needed a break from the everyday to just sit and relax, which is what he planned to do when he wasn’t thwarting would-be spiky-haired thieves. Fero heard something from across the square, a chanting of sorts. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” He looked over to see the contestants in a drinking competition. A small grin appeared on his face when he noticed the one in costume fumble with his can, and drop it, causing it to spew its contents all over the place. His attention then went to the muscle bound one, surely he could do better, or so Fero thought before seeing him thump his own chest and struggle to finish his last can. The last contestant, a young, green-haired woman, didn’t seem to have the problems that the others were experiencing. That in itself was impressive. He then heard the announcer call time on the competition. He watched the judge walk from the costumed man, to the musclebound one, to the young woman, proclaiming her the victor. He thought that the small cheer that she displayed was cute. “A young woman beating those two… that must be embarrassing.” He thought to himself. Fero’s attention went from the “soda” contest, to the children who were rushing to Raynard to get an autograph. It was obvious that he wasn’t a fiend, or at least, a threatening one. [i]“Hell, if his skill in battle is as good as it is to entertain a crowd, he could be a powerful ally”[/i] he thought to himself, though he wasn’t sure if the entertainer had ever fought a real battle, but it was fun to imagine. Fero finally moved from his place near the west tables, towards Leene’s bell. He was headed to the drinking table when he was approached by a teenage boy. "No way! You're Fero Maze, the best Mercenary in Guardia!" the boy said with excitement. Without missing a beat, Fero winked at the boy, pointing his index finger at him. “And don’t you forget it!” he said as only someone with an inflated ego could. He made his way to the table with Arianna. He looked to her with a small smile, then to the judge. “Count me in!” he said with a cocky tone. He looked to the table in front of her, seeing the 8 empty cans. [i]“Damn!”[/i] he thought to himself. He may have been in over his head with this one. He didn’t drink often, but he was never one to back down from a challenge. What if he lost to this young woman? His reputation would be tarnished. He could defeat undead lancers, Nagas, and Weevils, oh, and he lost a drinking contest to a young woman. Oh boy..