Gravius cracked a grin at the fact Horatio had very nearly fallen into a manhole, and was about to make a remark when the man Drake had nearly stepped on pointed out the fact the little group was now surrounded. Gravius rather quickly moved directly behind two of the arms men at the back of the group, so that he was basically next to Horatio in the ring of guards. As combat opened and Las blasts and bullets started firing Gravius tried to make sure there was no way a stray shot could get to him, but without crouching on the disgusting street of the station. As he did something caught his eye. Down the street from where the group had come from, a small group of thugs emerged from an ally to join their already embattled comrades, but they were led by what Gravius could only call a beast. The man had to be at least seven feet tall, and even through his armor you could tell he was rather heavily muscled, cutting quite the intimidating figure. He wore what looked like heavily modified guard armor, and carried a horrendously large snub pistol in one hand and a chainsword, which Gravius was a bit surprised to see, in the other. Over the armor was some sort of... mesh, and to Gravius it was rather clearly Xeno made, of course only in a shit hole like this could xeno tech be so openly displayed. The beas of a man roared as he emerged from the alley very clearly hopped up on combat stims, and charged the small group of soldiers. The man fired wildly with his snub pistol, emptying the chamber in a matter of seconds. The bullets that found purchase in the carapace armor of Drake's men did little more than stagger them, not even denting the thick armor. Two of the armsman returned fire with their hellguns, calmly firing several shots at the charging mega thug. Several missed their mark by only a few inches, but most of them hit... but had little effect. The mesh seemed to absorb the thick Las blasts, dissipating their energy into the air. The two men didn't have time to go for a shot at the thug's head as he was now upon them. With one titanic sweep the giant man took one of the men'men's heads of at the neck, blood flying into the air as the head fell to the ground. He then brought the flat back of his chainsword into the second guards head, stunning him and driving him into the ground. The massive man quickly glanced around for his next victim, and spotted the small robed man about a foot in front of him. The thug laughed loudly as he brought the chainsword above his head for a downward swing, it was one of the last things he ever did. Just before he could bring the wiring blade down, the robed figure looked straight into his face, and snapped open the third eye in the middle of his forehead. For a moment, the titanic man locked eyes with that third orb of cloudy black, and then he started screaming. Anyone nearby could see the mans face and hands suddenly become covered with huge, bulbous blisters. He dropped his blade as the giant bumps began to obscure his vision and pop out all over the rest of his body. Just as he thought the pain couldn't get any worse, the blisters started popping. However, neither blood nor puss flowed from the blisters, instead than began exploding with fire. In what was about the span of four or five seconds the huge thug had gone from murderous psychopath, to screaming conflagration. His entire body burst into flame and he screamed, backing up trying desperately to put out the flames he dropped on the ground and rolled enthusiastically, but it was no use. The fire had been born from the mind of a psyker, and could not be quenched so easily. The man's screams shortly turned to whimpers, and then ceased altogether. He lay there, hid corpse being consumed by the flames. Several thugs who had charged alongside him and survived the guard's guns turned and ran, screaming, "WITCH!" at the top of their lungs. Several others fled with them, but enough held their ground that the guards once again returned fire, attempting to drive them off as well. None of this mattered to Gravius as he watched the poor bastard burn, his third eye now closed. He sighed, as he had hoped not to have to expend any of his energy on the station, not that it had taken much. Gravius simply couldn't understand why human thought you needed a weapon to be dangerous, maybe if that thug had been just a bit smarter, and not charged then he'd still be alive... oh well, he was filthy backwater scum anyways. Gravius smiled again, and believed he would be safe among the guards, so he continued watching the corpse as it burned.