BOOM! One of the HK droids flew backwards and impacted into the metal wall, it's entire upper body sunk deep into the wall, immobilizing it enough for Zen to approach it and snap off it's legs at the knees without much effort. "Iisska!" He looked back and yelled. "You have to try this!" Zen sprinted down the hall and jumped into the air. The very second a pair of HK droids came around the corner, he drop kicked one, sending it flying backwards and out onto the factory floor. Klaxons popped out of the ceiling and coated the hallways in a deep red as their ear splitting alarms rang out. Zen stood up, absent mindedly punching the other HK in the head before snapping off the neck, as he stared straight ahead. The HK he had drop kicked had triggered the other ones in the factory., hundreds of incomplete HK droids dropped from their restraints and simultaneously lit their eyes up. All at once they yelled out: [color=ed1c24]"STATEMENT: YOUR TIME HAS COME, MEATBAG."[/color] [url=]"NooooooooOOOOOOOOO!"[/url] Zen screamed, turning on a dime and sprinting, no force shoe-sploding, back to the group as fast as he could. Just as he came past, Quin had finished the hack and learned where they were heading. As the group came out of the closet, they froze as Zen galloped past yelling "NO NO NO, RUNNINGNOWGODEATHNONONONONONONONONONONOOOPE" at the top of his lungs. Just as Nyrette mouthed a silent "What...?" the group turned around to see the legion of HK droids sprinting down the hallway. Before Nyrette and Quin could start running, Iisska and Cheshik's positions were little more than outlines of smokes, putting instincts ahead of everything else. "OH FUCK YOU ZEN." Nyrette yelled as she took off with Quin down the hall. The two non-force users were barely able to catch up to the boys to try and direct them to the supply room where the parts they needed would be located. Zen was nowhere to be seen and the group had no inclination to try to find them. Quin simply pointed towards the western part of the facility and yelled to go towards it. As the group booked it, Nyrette pulled out her own little toy that she requisitioned from Cheshik's supplier. A large roll of tape. While it seemed like nothing, she took a moment to lay a long strip on the floor before sprinting away. Ahead of her, she saw Cheshik stop at a door to hold it open for her while she escaped from the horde of HKs right behind her. He fired his blaster at the HKs, though it did little more than bounce off of their armor. Nyrette got to the door and looked back to see the horde just stepping onto the position where she lay out the tape. From her right pocket she fished out a detonator and smiled up at Cheshik. "Flex-5 thermite." She laughed as she squeezed the button and a huge explosion rocked the facility, blowing pieces of the horde all over the place while masked by a small mushroom cloud. Stepping inside the entrance to the western part of the facility, Cheshik shut the door tight and smashed the control panel. There was no going back to the eastern facility, that was for sure. ___ The western facility was much quieter than the eastern one. The storage and management offices were here, though there was no staff other than droids here, they were too busy hiding to bother reporting the intruders in the facility. The group moved fast, knowing that the HKs were hot on their trail. Quin directed them up a large set of stairs and into an office area. She explained that the power cores of the HKs were put through processing and rigging in this section, they needed one that wasn't coded to an HK and the only ones would be here where the nerds would code each individual part to a specific HK. This was done so that pirates couldn't hijack disabled HK parts. If they tried to put a part on another droid, it would self destruct. Hearing noises from above, Quin, Nyrette, and Cheshik held up blasters at an above vent. Iisska looked around for a moment, looking a bit confused before he simply put up his fist, not having a blaster on his own due to Zen's encouragement. Ready for anything, the group tensed as the vent was kicked out and let out a groan as Zen dropped down from the vent. "We had need of you in room!" Cheshik yelled, ready to rip Zen apart for abandoning them. "Nah, you were fine. Nerd room is down there some where." Zen shrugged and pointed down the hall. Though the group nearly did rip Zen apart, they swallowed their pride and went down the hall. The offices were just as bland as the rest of the facility, but somehow it got even more so the longer they were in it. Cardboard cubicles, crappy meeting place water fountains, tacky plants, and some fat rodian woman named ginny had her picture on the wall naming her employee of the month. Coming to a halt at the end of the corridor, Quin lead them into a large office where they found a room that didn't seem like what they were looking for. There were strange machines littered about the room on desks and on the floor. "Looks like a blueprinting or prototype R&D room...." Nyrette said, cautious of the potentially untested monstrosities around the room. "This one looks complete." Cheshik said, standing in front of a model at the right side of the room. It was standing on it's own, deactivated and unpowered. There was a clip board on the wall next to it that Nyrette grabbed. "44-YR...R05I3. Prototype medical, protocol, hacking, and accounting droid. Like an HK but...for corporate espionage. That's...brilliant actually, but it seems this model was discontinued...too expensive? What?" She said, shocked. "We are in Hunter Killer factory and single robot too pricey for hutt? Sense not made, cannot compute." Cheshik mused. "Na na na...decommissioned...blah blah blah...prepare for deconstruction....yaddah yaddah...this droid isn't marked or prepped for's an empty shell. Ya know who might love this? Trinity and Marquis." Iisska crossed his arms and asked how so. "Trinity has no body and over the past two months and she's had the patience to care for us when Zen has nearly gotten us killed, or when Zen messes up a plan, or when Zen puts us all in near death comatose states-" "Rude! I only messed up one plan!" Zen responded "And Marquis dragged us out from the brink of torture and death by Radon." She continued, ignoring Zen. Quin mentioned that she got what Nyrette was saying but that they didn't have time. "They didn't have to keep us alive. They could have just thrown us in the airlock, took the money and ditched us. They deserve a thanks. I say we take this shell and plug Trinity in it. It's got the same outfit as an HK model, it should hold her systems just fine." "I agree whole bottomly." Cheshik said, nodding. Iisska just nodded and went back to looking for a power core for an HK unit. Quin shook her head and shrugged, saying that if she wanted to drag the hunk of metal back by herself, she could. "Hah, I'm not carrying this. Cheshik, if you would be a dear, please give this droid a heft and we'll take it back with us, okay?" Her voice was soft and sincere enough that the Trandoshan barely had to be convinced to take the droid over shoulder and follow the group. "Marquis is going to be one happy droid after all this is over with." Nyrette said with a smile.