"Why, you want to be shown up, Dre?" Thanneth laughed, coming up with a silly nickname on the spot. "None of you humans can compare to the grace of an elf." Her tone was teasing. Then she lowered her voice and became more serious. "I'm not much of a partier, but I would love to dance. If those men would stop looking at me like a prize to be won, I would gladly take part." She shrugged and returned to her earlier merry tone. "Besides, I don't wish to outshine every woman here! I rather enjoy their company, and would not wish to cause dissension between them and their sweethearts." Thanneth wasn't lying; she loved to dance. However, she usually danced only with males she respected and who respected her. It was one way for a man to know how he stood with her. If she consented to dance with him, he had her trust. If she asked a man to dance... that had only happened with one elf, many years ago. He had fallen to a spider not long after. "Enjoy yourself, Deirdre. Don't concern yourself with me." She smiled softly at the younger woman.