Change of Plans, due to recent events, I've decided to change one more time, this will be my last (wip) [img][/img] [b]Nation Name:[/b] The Orthodox State of Rus' [b]Map Location:[/b] [img][/img] Map needs to be tailored a bit, but basically this minus any spots that might overlap with Willy's NS at the time being [b]Government Info:[/b] The State of Rus' is a Theocratic Dictatorship, headed by the declared Patriarch of Kiev and the Tsar of Kiev, who serve as the Political and Religious Leader of the State, and are self proclaimed to be the Leaders of Orthodox Christianity, and Christianity as a whole, declaring the Patriarch of Constantinople and Moscow to be illegitimate, as well as denouncing the entirety of Catholicism and Protestantism as heresy. Orthodox Christianity is the state religion, and all others are outright banned, with conversion away from Orthodoxy punishable by death. [b]Military Overview:[/b] The Military of Rus' is derived from that of Russia, and while originally rather lagging technologically, the Rus' have actually developed their war machine into a very powerful one, to preserve their independence and conquer more territory, the Rus' began to rapidly modernize their military, taking advantage of powerful technology such as external armors crafted from strong ceramic plates covering a full body suit of layers of Kevlar. In addition, the Rus' have begun investing into portable anti-tank armaments and even forayed into the territory of energy weapons (which are nowhere near functional yet, but certainly being researched and developed upon). Rus' has also put considerable focus into their air force. [b]Economic Overview:[/b] Economically, the Rus' state is dependent upon the production and exportation of Electricity, which the Rus' have begun creating in every large amounts by means of high focus on Nuclear Power plants. The Supply a great deal of electricity to many smaller nations in Europe and Asia, and use this as leverage against other nations behaving aggressively towards them, and to limit the actions of other nations towards their nuclear program. Rus' is also known for its production of grain, acting as a kind of breadbasket of Europe, further limiting the aggressive action against them. [b]Cultural Description:[/b] Rus' is derived from the lands making up former Ukraine, Belarus, and parts of Russia, and naturally is based strongly off of the way of life of the Eastern Slavs, and shows many similarities to the old cultures that were found in their lands; however, due to the extreme degree of christianization of region by the government, the very structure of the Rus' People's daily lives is centered around a very fundamentalist and extreme form of Orthodox Christianity. [b]Technological Overview:[/b] wip [b]Colonies:[/b] wip [b]History:[/b] wip [b]Other:[/b]